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"Get your scrawny butt back here, welp," I bellowed and the teenager laughed so hard he almost stumbled while he raced through the hall. His partners in crime grinned in the doorway, eyeing their prize with delight. "Those are my cookies, dammit!"

It'd been almost a month since Zach isolated me in a wing with the three welps, but we'd made progress. I could talk to them, approach them, and rain affection on their heads whenever I liked. But they still backed away from everyone else, including Zach. I could coax them into letting him look them over, but if I even looked like I wanted to leave the room, they bolted. Then it would take me hours to coax them out of wherever they holed up.

Jax brought me paperwork when they slept, I texted him, and we discussed whatever needed doing. He worked close with Kira and Dex while I helped the welps. Xander stepped up as he always did to cover my absence without complaint. Kira and Dex eased the strain of their burdens, but it pained me to cause my beloved friends so much trouble. However, how could I abandon the welps who needed help to learn to trust again?

"Mina, I swear I will tickle you until you pee yourself ten freaking times if you stick that damn cookie in your mouth," I growled. In response, the toddler bit off a chunk where I could see and I snorted. Her answering giggle warmed my heart albeit I tried to scowl. I failed because the three welps laughed while joy danced in their eyes. When I narrowed my eyes, the middle boy, Lex, stuck his chocolate coated tongue out at me and I growled. That earned more giggles and I rolled my eyes with a playful sigh. Raz, the eldest, snickered and shoved five cookies in his mouth at once so I'd scold him. I didn't disappoint the cheeky brat. "That's wasteful. You should take the time to enjoy those, not scarf them."

I continued grumbling under my breath, pretending I didn't know Jax approached from behind me. The fear entering the eyes of the welps made it pretty obvious, but I feigned ignorance. I needed to introduce Jax as so ordinary he was ignorable. Not that he was, but if I acted like his presence deserved fanfare, the welps would fear him forever.

"This is Jax," I murmured once my beta stood beside me. "He is my beta. Which means he's your beta. He deserves respect, yes, but not fear. He's my right hand, whereas Xander is my left. In some packs, the beta and delta have certain liberties. That isn't the case here. If they ever approach any member of my pack with unsavory intentions, my pack knows to sound the alarm. I won't forgive abuse nor unwanted advances. I'm not perfect however, I've made my fair share of mistakes. So, I know someone of power hurt you. Whether it was someone high ranked in your previous pack, or a family member, I don't know. You don't want to talk about it, not to me. I respect that. I am your alpha, and I'm fun. Speaking of the past is dark and scary. You don't associate that with me, which is the highest form of honor you can bestow. I appreciate that, but I'm not helping you heal. I've taken you as far as I can-"

Soft whimpers killed my voice and I sighed while Mina teared up, Lex hung his head, and Raz stared with his jaw set while he tried to make himself hate me. "Well, now look at what you've done to yourselves," I scolded in a gentle voice. "If you let me finish, I'd have said 'alone.' I can't help you heal alone. Zach hurts you when he must to help your bodies heal. Speaking of, Lex, he thinks this next break will be the last." The boy sobbed with relief, and Raz caught him when his knees gave out. "So, you don't want Zach which I understand. He does too, and doesn't take it personally. But, guys, you can't stay broken forever. That isn't fair to you. So, Jax and Xander are here to help me guide you back into the light."

"We don't mean to be scary," Jax confessed while rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. As I suspected, Mina was all over him within a second. Lex reminded me of a younger Jax, while Raz was so similar to Xander at times it terrified me. I didn't need them to connect with the older boys, yet. Mina would be their bridge if they let her. At least I know I'm not crazy since she sees it too.

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