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It took my foot a long time to heal, but Kaden never got tired of letting me lean on him. Nor did he get frustrated when I couldn't keep up. Without fail, he offered to carry me or let me hop on his back. Unless I was exhausted, I chose the piggyback ride.

Zach promised a room of my own if I wanted, but he encouraged me to stay with Kaden if I felt safe. He knew how my father would react too and his smile was full of sorrow. So, I slept at Kaden's side. It was heaven for my soul, heart, and body. And not terrible for my mind over time. I expected Kaden to demand he give me a bath each time, but he never tried. If I was exhausted but wanted one, he insisted on filling the tub with water and bubbles and giving me a few minutes to get in before he leaned in the doorway. He didn't watch, just listened for any sounds of distress while he read a book. When I pulled the stopper, he'd meet my eye, smile, then leave the bathroom so I could get out. It was... respectful.

Every meal he offered was more food than I could eat, but he promised to eat what I couldn't so I wouldn't stress about wasting food. He hunted, bringing fresh meat home which excited the pack. I felt bad since there wasn't enough for everybody. So, it took me by surprise when they encouraged me to eat first. I was the outsider, the one who didn't belong. I was the werewolf with the almost dead wolf. Why feed me first?

"You're my mate which spread all over the fortress," Kaden answered my question when I entered the kitchen. He didn't glance at me, just tossed it out casually. "More importantly, what you did for Tuck has spread too. You've endeared yourself to them, and they adore you." When I shrugged, he chuckled and shook his head. "Modest, too."

I scoffed, then watched him butcher the elk he caught. He was strong to take one down on his own, but I wasn't surprised. His father was the closest to mine when they were young, so it made sense he could solo an elk. "Do you like cooking?" Kaden asked and I flinched since I was focused on his skills with a knife. I could have butchered it in half the time but I wouldn't complain. However, I gave him a dark look for his question and he laughed from deep within his belly. "You misunderstand, Kit," my mate chortled. "I try to make a meal for the whole pack at least once a month, but I can't do it alone. Do you want to help?"

Well, when he put it that way. I nodded and he flashed me the grin that made my knees weak and my stomach flutter. Without hesitation, I took care of cooking the meat. I heated a cast iron pan, added some butter, and placed a steak I seasoned with a little salt and pepper. While it seared, I basted it with the butter which I added some garlic too, then flipped it after a couple minutes to repeat the process. It smelled amazing, so I hoped the pack enjoyed it. Once it finished, I wiped the pan out, then repeated the process for the next steak.

While I handled the meat, Kaden put together a raw vegetable salad and I glared at him for cheating. He laughed, telling me he had to keep up with me somehow. It smelled like zucchini, carrots, brussel sprouts, corn and collard greens. When I looked, I grinned upon discovering I was right and Kaden laughed. Once I had several steaks seared, he motioned for his pack to file in and filled their plates.

"No cleaning up for you tonight, Alpha," Jax decreed when he got his plate. It shocked me to learn he wasn't first. Instead, he was one of the last. Most packs insisted their higher ranked members ate first. Here, it appeared the beta and delta herded the pack in to eat before they even glanced at the food. Kaden had eaten a few pieces of corn and carrots, which he'd also offered me, but otherwise he didn't eat either.

"We gathered those who aren't the most well off for tonight's meal," Xander discussed with Kaden while I finished up the last of the steaks. I listened without shame, curious as to how meal time went in this pack. "And told the others the princess can only do so much since she's still injured. I bet her foot's throbbing but it isn't our place to deny her if she wants to help. You better not have bullied her, Alpha Asshole." When Kaden looked hurt, Xander nodded and murmured, "good."

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