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It took the pack several days to come to terms with me being stronger than their alpha. If I could, I'd have told him he was stronger than the alpha of the 'second strongest pack.' I believed it would please him to know he lived up to his potential. Bran wanted to duel me too, and I enjoyed wiping the floor with him. He pretended to pout when I didn't make out with him afterward and I laughed.

Zach explained to Kaden that I wanted to duel him to put an end to the questions we'd eventually have. Did I stay because I was his prisoner? Would I ever be free? What did I want? This way, we established I stayed with his pack because it's what I wanted to do, not because I was his prisoner. Hell, Zach announced to the pack that I was to be considered their guest since I chose to stay when I could leave whenever I desired. Kaden's enforcers couldn't resist taking me on and I frowned when they were weaker than their alpha. That was typical with most packs and I found it disturbing. Yes, the alpha was meant to be the strongest, but that didn't mean you couldn't train yourself to be stronger.

There were alphas who'd argue I was wrong, and my father should never have let me surpass him in strength. But he reminded them that I swore my loyalty to my pack. Therefore, his belief I'd uphold my word and faith I'd never turn against him made us stronger. His pack felt safer when I patrolled because they knew I'd never let anything get past me. I often helped train the more serious enforcers who sought to better themselves, albeit I was sometimes too intense for them.

When I wasn't enforcing my father's laws, I embraced my gentle side. Even as an enforcer, if I could approach a problem from a gentle perspective, I did. Which was why most of my father's pack adored me. My eldest brother was closest to me in strength, but I ran circles around him which he found amusing. My twin gave up on keeping up with me over a decade ago, but he supported me when he could. My twin brother was more focused on healing than fighting but he could hold his own better than most of our father's pack. His mate was a teacher and enjoyed bragging about her students which I found endearing.

Kaden and I sparred every morning after breakfast and I encouraged his progress as much as I could. It was a bit hard without words, but I wasn't much of a talker so it didn't handicap me as much as it would my sisters. They spoke more words in an hour than I did in a week. Their mates would roll their eyes and smile when they chatted and we'd sneak off to play video games until they noticed we'd left. Sometimes it took a few hours. Once they noticed within minutes and I grinned since I was the one to motion for us to go. On occasion, we played board games instead, but usually I kicked their ass on the big screen. I was hopeless at fashion, something my sisters loved to scold me about. Saying I spent too much time in the dirt. But I liked the dirt and it was more fun than sitting around, mending clothes and waving at the peasants as they nicknamed our pack. I thought it was rude but they tutted and said it was a term of endearment. It didn't sound like one to me. I knew it would hurt many of our pack members if they ever heard them use it too.

Regardless, Kaden glowed whenever I pat his head and grinned, understanding I praised him with a bit of mockery thrown in because I couldn't speak. I loved my sisters but they were wrong more often than not. I felt more at home in the fortress I once was a prisoner than I did at home. In the castle, I was a prisoner. Expectations for the king's daughter were heavy shackles that locked me far from the sun. My fetters included parties and dances I had to attend and feign I was delicate and demure. I hated it. But it let me observe the room and keep everyone safe without our potential enemies realizing it. Only my father's pack and my close friends knew I was his strongest enforcer. I'd saved the lives of many in his pack because of it and so suffered feigning I was helpless.

Even my oldest brother kept his enforcer duties secret. He was always seen at our father's side, so the general population assumed he was as much a piece of art as I. We enjoyed discussing ways to take down our father's visitors if they became a threat before they knew we were the most dangerous wolves in the room. He gave me insight into potential threats whenever I traveled on business for our father. And I did the same for him. We'd avoided many a potential trap that way. Those who wouldn't stand against our father to his face were more willing to be nefarious when it was only one of his pups. They learned their mistake quite well, and had the bruises to prove it if they got physical. Otherwise, I could outtalk them if necessary. I'd had more classes diplomacy than I wanted. Half were for representing my father, the other half were for representing my pack as an enforcer.

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