Growing Together

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Once I could sit, Zach had Jax help move me to my bed and I sighed. While I understood the need for the cot, it wasn't as comfortable as my mattress. The first night, Tansy and Kira slept on either side of me, snuggling as close as they could, as if I'd disappear if they let go. I won't lie, sleeping between my girls was the best feeling ever. I knew I was loved, and wanted.

In the morning, Tansy opened her eyes a few minutes after me. I was tired of sleeping, and resting. I wanted to be up, to check on my pack. It spoke volumes that not a single member of my pack challenged me while I couldn't defend myself. I'd have known if they tried by Kira's expression. It would have irritated her and made her tense. Not even an enforcer could stop a challenge if a member of the pack wished to try their hand at becoming alpha when theirs was weakened. It was low, yes, and the pack wouldn't respect them, but it could be done.

After Tansy saw I was awake, she grinned then confessed all the things she had Kira do to distract her while I was unconscious and my heart warmed. She was the sweetest little thing, always worrying about everyone. I hoped Kira would teach her how to defend herself so she could kick ass when required. I didn't doubt Tansy saw herself as a champion of the weak and downtrodden. Poor thing cried when she saw I could move a bit. I feared she'd make herself sick, but the worry weighing down her heart lifted and she needed to expel it.

I felt almost whole and nudged my daughter who eyed me with curiosity. I glanced at Kira, then held a finger to my lips with a wink and Tansy frowned. But, she did as I asked. When she stood by the bed biting her lip, I hoped this wouldn't backfire and traumatize my little love. As carefully as I could, I scooted to the edge of the mattress, then swung my legs over. I could move them, so I prayed I was right. Kira would have my head otherwise, and it would devastate Tansy.

My feet were pleased to feel the floor beneath them for the first time in what felt like forever. With one last glance to ensure Kira still slept, I took a deep breath, then stood. I wobbled for a second, then took a step and another to keep from falling at the sudden change and the surprise of standing. My balance was off, but I was up and stayed upright. Pleased, I winked at Tansy whose eyes filled with tears. I ruffled her hair, then grinned while stumbling my way to the bathroom. My feet apparently forgot how to work during their vacation.

I almost tripped myself, and caught the edge of the sink to regain my equilibrium only to stiffen when a throat cleared behind me. I didn't have to glance over my shoulder to know the frown on my mate's face was murderous. She didn't leave me hanging for long and moved so she was before me rather than risk me trying to turn around. I winced when her expression was scolding and disapproving. I tried a winning smile and her frown deepened. Instead of a lecture though, tears filled her eyes and she stepped closer to throw her arms around me and bury her face in my chest. Tansy giggled, then Kira scooped her up and returned her face to my chest. Within a second, Tansy sniffled and cried into my chest too.

"I'm okay," I assured them, catching myself on the sink again when I wobbled. Kira raised her head with alarm in her eyes and I chuckled. "I am unsteady, I admit. But, how can I get better if I don't move around? I'm sorry I did it while you were asleep, but I feared it'd give you a complex. You're far too worried about me as it is. When's the last time you shifted and hunted? I've kept you locked away from your wolf for far too long as it is, Kira. Please, go hunt and run. Breathe the fresh air. I'm on the mend so you don't need to fear I'll die if you take your eyes off me, okay?" Mutiny. They glared with mutinous expressions and I sighed because I knew I'd lost. Normally, I appreciated the stubbornness of my mate and how she challenged me. However, I realized I was exhausted and wanted her to leave me so she could live instead of worrying about me. Soon her father would demand she return home, or he'd threaten her. I swallowed hard upon realizing he might threaten Tansy if it meant Kira would do as he bid.

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