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I'd never met Kaden's uncle officially. We'd seen each other. I'd been in his territory. But we hadn't spoken in depth. Still, I expected him to appear greasy or for his hair to be slicked back. Instead, he kept his hair short, and neat. His clothes were casual, yet on the dressier side. Overall, he was unimpressive. Which was a letdown.

Alas, where his looks didn't inspire thoughts of villains, his home did. Not because his wolves were beaten or scrawny. No. They were silent. He escorted us through the halls of his mansion, rattling off names when we passed his people who bowed their heads. It was creepy, and saddening. The air was oppressive as if the people who breathed it suffered when we weren't looking. So, naturally, I stuck my nose into the mystery.

Dane tried to warn me to behave, to keep my head down while our reason for visiting considered us, but I refused. I wanted the truth. Hell, I needed cold, hard facts. Proof. So my eyes roamed the halls while I followed the vile man I smiled for while cursing him in my mind. My wolf did not like him. She growled low in the back of mind, her focus on the evil alpha.

"Where are my manners?" The man asked, pausing at the top of a flight of stairs. "I never gave you my name, nor asked for yours." When I wrinkled my nose, Dane chuckled. "As you know, Kaden and Marco are my dearest nephews. I am so pleased Kaden can sit at the table again. Poor pup. He's had a time of it. And to lose such a beautiful mate because of his foolish notions. Tch. I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all." When I bristled, he smiled until I sighed and my shoulders relaxed.

"I suppose it doesn't," I agreed in a pleasant voice and he arched his brow. "After all, my father loved Lyle." Dane's fingers tightened on mine when fury flashed across the alpha's face. It was dark, angry, and threatening. I feared I signed a warrant for my death with my words, but it was worth it. His mask slipped to reveal his hatred of Lyle. Which I assumed extended to Kaden.

"You love the man who kidnapped and tortured you?" He asked after a moment with mock sympathy and I sighed while laying my head on Dane's shoulder.

"He's my mate. Of course I love him," I replied with petulance in my tone. The sooner I made myself the target, the better. Dane didn't need my antics getting him in trouble. "However, I love Dane too, and he's never hurt me." The gleam in his eyes chilled me to the core while Dane's arm tightened around my shoulders.

"Dane, alpha heir of Songhelm. I never thought I'd meet the heir of such a prestigious pack. You're third strongest, are you not?" The man asked with curiosity and I grit my teeth to keep from saying what I desired.

"Fourth, now," Dane corrected with a lazy grin, "since Kaden has returned to the table." Kaden's uncle scowled and a drop of fear raced along my spine albeit I kept my expression neutral.

"Of course," he murmured, his tone pleasant, albeit his smile didn't reach his eyes. "My apologies for forgetting my nephew's return inconveniences you."

"Mm, I wouldn't say that," Dane chuckled. "It's a relief, to be honest." He smiled and Kaden's uncle scowled for a second, then grinned.

"Well, we must celebrate then. I'm pleased you're not bitter," he replied and my fingers twitched but Dane squeezed them to remind me of the part I played.

"How could I be?" Dane asked with a slight smirk. "I get the girl. With your blessing, of course."

"Well, as I get to know you, I'm sure I'll grant it. After all, I only want what's best for miss...?"

"Kit," Dane supplied with a grin and my heart jumped. His knowing smile had a sigh leaving my lips and I snuggled closer to him in thanks.

"Nice to meet you, Kit. My name is Tom," Kaden's uncle declared and I smiled then offered him my hand the way my sisters did upon meeting people. He smirked and kissed the back of my hand while keeping our eyes locked. My smile never slipped and he appeared pleased. Afterward, he led us to a fair-sized room decorated with soft greens. If it wasn't for the depressing aura in this place, it'd be quite pleasant.

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