Alpha Asshole

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I winced, expecting the doctor to bitch me out. But it was Jax who snarled and jerked me to my feet by the collar of my shirt. "Alpha Asshole," he snarled and I quirked my brow since I was his alpha and demanded his obedience. Before I could scold my beta, as he deserved, he growled, "you damned us!"

When I glanced at Zach with a questioning expression he scowled and shook his head. "She's the princess, Alpha Asshole," he explained in a patronizing voice. "Every week more packs join the search for her. I intended to inform Jax so he could tell you we should offer to join the effort. They're desperate to find their princess, Alpha Asshole. I go into towns, in every pack, so I know the gossip. That's how you hear it, remember? Through me. She's sweet, kind, and would give you the shirt on her back if its all she had in the world and you were in need. That's why they call her princess. She puts everyone else before her. She serves the people. Her eldest brother shares that view and sees it as his purpose to do everything he can for his kind. As the youngest, the princess followed the prince like a puppy and taught him her ways while he showed her his."

"You fucking idiot," Jax snarled and I met his gaze then looked at his fist clenched in my shirt. "If you told me she was your target I would have steered you to the correct path. The perfect revenge on the king who I didn't know you wanted to hurt, isn't this. Yes, this hurts him, but it hurts our kind too. Every pack adores her. Every wolf basks in her gentle light! If you wanted to hurt him, you should have snuck into his castle and met his daughter, yes. Then, instead of stealing her away, charmed her. Drugged her with your smile and made her crave your company. You should have wooed her and stolen her heart while she was within her father's home! When she married you, he would have swallowed his pride and apologized even though he loathed it, because he wouldn't give up his princess for you. No, he'd have brought us out of banishment if she chose you. If she discovered you were her mate? He'd have to bring you into the family with open arms and loathe every second. That would be your perfect revenge. Not this! You hurt an innocent woman! You tormented her, mocked her, and marred her! You made us into exactly what they accused us of being! We're traitors now, because of you! You fucking damned us!"

Before I could deny it, the doctor nodded his agreement. "Yes, you did. She's the princess, Alpha Asshole. By taking her from her home, you declared war." I opened my mouth in protest and he growled. When I blinked in shock, he huffed. "Every werewolf and human here are complicit in your treachery, Alpha Asshole. Think about it. We've had the princess under our roof for over six months. Would you believe us if it were your daughter? That she lived with us for six months and we didn't know? We never saw her? Not even one of us? Other than you? Who fed her? Who oversaw her baths? Who checked on her? It couldn't always be you. As alpha, you're too busy. Thus, at least one person saw her. Could they resist gossiping for six months? Yes, because they didn't recognize her, you made sure of that. But they won't believe us, Alpha Asshole. No one here realized who she was until she protected that pup. Between her eyes, hair, and steadfast protection, they put it together. The pack hasn't realized you damned them, however. Unless you pull a miracle out of your ass before they find us. It's only a matter of time before the king looks to you. Why haven't you offered your help? He understands this frame of time, since he banished your father and abandoned him when he needed aid. But, his forgiveness for the delay is running out. When it does, he will pound on your door and he'll smell her. Hell, if he brings her twin, he'll know she's here long before he reaches the front door. You idiot!"

"Rumor has it, the princess' twin brother shares her pain. Meaning he knows she's alive. He feels it. So, if he comes on our land, he'll feel her here. Whenever she leaves the castle, the king calls his youngest son home. Thus, if the princess disappears, he has a way to find her. Her brother hates it at times, but he adores his sister. He blames their father for using him, not her. The boy will shred you once he learns you are the reason his sister suffered. He's more overprotective than his father since she's his twin," Jax snapped. "No matter what we do, our hands are tied because you damned us!"

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