《20》 Return what was left Forgotten

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lines that are underlined = speaking English


It's been a couple of days since the Soyuz Space Craft launched itself to space. The International Space Station welcomed the three new crewmates, Byakuya Ishigami, Shamil Volkov, and Lillian Weinberg.

The Diva singer, Lillian, was widely known across the world, and so she was kind enough to put on a show in space. Marking her the first person ever, to sing in outer space.

"Well~! That's all for the live performance here at the Space Station!" Lillian waved back at the camera before quickly turning off the live button. She then turns her attention back to her cremates, lifting up the camera towards them, "Do you guys want to use my camera to call anyone from back home?"

Despite the generous offer that Byakuya might have taken into consideration, he recalled that his son would have not wanted him to disrupt his time, "I do have a son! Just as cheeky as our buddy Shamil here!" The said man turns to Byakuya with a small frown.

"He's probably doing research right about now, and calling him will only disturb him~!"

With a small nod, Lillian then turns back on the camera, catching the duo's attention. She did a live broadcast earlier with her fans across the world...so then? Byakuya blinks when the ID caller emerges through the screen, understanding the English words; "My Lovely Niece" with a red heart next to it.

Before he can ask when a face pops from the other side of the screen, eyes then widening at the features he found oddly familiar. The person that Lillian waved at the screen was a young woman, possibly a high school student. She wore a faint smile, skin slightly pale that much contrast her pitch raven hair that was styled up in a pixie cut. But her most notable feature was her eyes, eyes that shone like emerald stones. Byakuya has never once seen such exquisite color, almost unique in its own way.

He slightly gasps once he came into awareness with his own memories, recalling his son's words from long ago.


"Dad...I meet a girl today..."

Byakuya could only choke on his drink when his son said these words during dinner, utterly astonished by the fact that Senku was talking about something other than Science! In fact! He was going to talk about a girl! Small tears dared to pour down the older man's eyes, making the younger Senku flinch.

"S-Senku--!! You've grown so much---"


Apparently, a young foreign girl saved Senku from some middle school bullies and in the process left behind an emerald stone that much reflected her eyes. Byakuya was surprised how well detailed his son described the girl that saved him, not leaving any detail out.

"I promise to return this stone when we meet again," Senku insists, gently gripping the stone in his small palm as his crimson eyes gleam with a determination that Byakuya has never seen.

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