《34》Final Goodbye

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《34》Last Goodbye

Color art by h0pe.lez





Without a doubt...seeing the paper plane dynamite destroy the trees meant the defeat of the Empire of Might. Tsukasa knew that as well...aware of the dangers that would he and his people would come to face with the power of science. All one by one, the members of the Tsukasa Empire, began to drop their weapons while The Kingdom of Science gathered them all up to seize them.

Kai takes a few steps back away from Tsukasa, whose face has changed to a cold expression. She peers towards where Senku stood, as he, Chrome, and Gen had a pair of paper planes dip with the dangerous liquid. The singer looks back towards Tsukasa, her brows furrowed. She was neither angry nor happy. How could she after what Senku told her about Tsukasa?

'It's time...' She muses with an expressionless look, feeling her chest tighten. It was time to make the deal with Tsukasa. A deal that he could not refuse no matter what.



Kai's expression changes to a confused one, her eyes narrow where Senku sat on top of a boulder. The moon shines above them, shadowing Senku's face and giving off a rather serious vibe. It was 2 days before the upcoming battle and Kai went on to confront Senku about Tsukasa. She knew well that the scientist was going to spare him that is why she wanted to hear his reasoning. But she was not expecting to hear this.

"How...can you be so sure about that..?" Kai couldn't help but doubt, crossing her arms over her chest.

Senku glances over her, "Do you remember the story that Tsukasa told us at the beach?"

Kai perks at this, tilting her head in thought. She racked through her memory, "The one with the boy...?" She says, uncertain.

Senku smirks, comically applauding for her, "Ding! Ding! 10 billion points for ya!!"

But his playful act soon fell back to his serious expression. His crimson eyes looked up at the stars. He felt a sense of reassurance whenever he did.

"...You see..." He starts, never looking away from the night sky, "That boy in that story...is actually Tsukasa himself,"

Her blood ran cold. Senku's words echo back and forth as she came to realize what this meant. The shock overwhelmed Kai, urging her to cover her mouth with her hand, whilst her gaze was cast down. Her eyes began to shake.

"It's been on my mind for a while now...why Tsukasa was doing all of this...and why his hatred grew for so long," Senku's eyes slightly waver, continuing to speak, "And as I began to put every single piece together....it all started to make sense now. The story...his actions,"

"All of this..." Senku finally turns to look over at Kai, recognizing her guilty expression, "...was for his sister's sake..."


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