《8》 A Call

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Ugh...in the end, I couldn't sleep at all---!'

 Senku rubs his eyes tiredly, being the first one to wake up despite how tired he was. He really couldn't forget the bold actions he did last night. Man did he want to strangle himself for what he did.

'How embarrassing...'

 The sun was close to rising up, seeing how bright the sunrise illuminated the whole field of view. He admires the sight before him, nature indeed was a beauty despite how unpredictable it may seem. Unconsciously, he turns his gaze back towards where a familiar ravenette slept...her back facing him as he saw her body rise in steady breathes. Kai was still sleeping.

  His heart clenches at this, his hand going over to his pocket and feeling a familiar object that laid there. He didn't take it out, instead just gripping tightly on his palm. There were no words to describe how conflicted he felt at the moment.

'Will I...be able to give this back to you?'


 Being that Yuzuhira just joined them moments ago, Taiju was kind enough to explain their current situation. Telling her all about the stone thing, the miracle water and about Tsukasa's betrayal. 

 After hearing the said male's name, Yuzuhira then turns her attention back to Kai, who was working behind them in collecting the items Senku wanted. A certain thought lingered behind the girl's mind, though she was hesitant to state her thoughts out loud. 

 But before she could say anything when Taiju urges her attention back to him.

"Psst! Yuzuhira..!!"

She blinks, quite confuse when Taiju signals her to come closer. She does so without hesitation, now nearing close to Taiju,"What's wrong?"

 Taiju looks back at Senku and Kai who were preparing the ingredients, seeing that they were oblivious to their behavior...Taiju continued; "Do you remember that one time? When Senku told us about his first love?"

 Yuzuhira nodded, recalling the memory briefly;


"My first love was my homeroom teacher!"

"Dude you serious??!"

Members from the Science Club continued to chatter among themselves while both Yuzuhira and Taiju arrive just in time. When they did, they turn their attention to the front. 

"What about you guys? Who was your first love?"

The duo blushed at this, unable to say anything at such personal question. Seeing that they were too busy blushing, one of them turns to the president of the Science club, small smirk on his face.

"What about you Senku? Who was your first love??"

But before the leek hair boy had time to say anything when another member of the science club interrupts.

"Don't sweat it. The President isn't interested in stuff like love--"

"---Yeah, I have,"

There was a moment of silence....trying to process Senku's words. And when they did, they flipped out.


Emerald Eyes ||Dr.Stone||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن