《17》 Fear's Growth

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'Gosh...this is so boring....'

   Kai was unable to participate in any of the activities...resting up at Chrome's shed with a deadpanned look. Her emerald eyes peer over the members of the Science Kingdom who work diligently, a frown forming across her face as the ends of her fingertips impatiently tapped the corner of the open door of the shed. She recalled the night before when Senku and Chrome fought for who was staying behind and live on the science legacy...but both scientists decided to risk it all by going together as a team. And so...they were working on making the said gas masks to work against the toxic spring.

  With uttermost boredom, she lets out a sigh, now leaning over the round door. Her emerald eyes dart towards Senku and Chrome who were now finished with their gas mask, amuse lingering in her eyes when they tried to drag Ginro along with them.

 "This is totally the curse of the spring fairy--!! Did you see the way those birds died?? And my silver spear turned black!! I'm never going back there---!!" Ginro protested, wrapping his whole body around the pillars of Chrome's shed. Senku imaginably rolled his eyes at the scene.

 "Damn it Ginro---!!" Chrome huffs, now walking towards the stubborn blondie to convince him otherwise. "Come on, let's go--!!"

 "Whatever just stay home. He'll only slow us down..." Senku lips pursed, as his gaze hardens towards Ginro, "Listen, what happened in the spring wasn't a curse...it was science,"

 The genius boy proceeds to grab Ginro's spear and a wet cloth, where then, he ducked near a bucket of some unknown liquid. He proceeded to explain the further information as he dipped the spear into the liquid and rubbed it with the wet cloth, "Just rub the black sulfuric acid sludge with some alkaline base and it will turn silver again," Just as said, the once smeared black spear was now shimmering in its original shiny silver hue. Both Chrome and Ginro gasp at the sight.

  "Wow~! The poison gas sensor is back!!" Chrome cheered, walking behind Senku who now lead the way back to where the green spring water resign. Kai watched the two clever boys retreat from her sight...her emerald eyes lingering on a certain crimson eye boy. Not once since yesterday Senku looked her way...completely ignoring her presence whenever they came in contact.

  'Is he mad at me?' Kai narrows, a crease forming in between her thin like brows. She peered over where her right ankle rested on a small stool, as a rather new bandage was compressed lightly around her ankle. It was a rather awkward position, having to keep her ankle higher than her heart whenever she was lying down. And since this is the stone world, ice was yet to be invented and Senku did not have any of the items to create a freezer, Kai was expected to rest her ankle this way until she was better.

  Kai had the hunch that it was Senku changing her bandage, perhaps during the night when she wasn't conscious. Was he trying to avoid her that badly? A small pout forms across her face from the thought, feeling a tad bit sad to be ignored like this.

 'It's not like I was doing it on purpose...' Kai thought, now peering back outside and silently admiring the small clouds that formed in various shapes. 'Gen was hurt more...and he needed the most treatment...'

  Her thoughts were interrupted when the blonde below her lets out a loud huff, urging her to peer down below the shed. Her emerald eyes caught Ginro's silhouette, seeing that he was still leaning over the pillars. 

 "Senku and Chrome gotta be insane--! I mean do they not think that it's scary?? One wrong move and you're dead!" The blonde proclaims with a huff, making Kai narrow her eyes his way, "Y'know! I hate it when guys pull stunts like that!! They pretend to act brave when in fact they're just crazy!!"

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