《5》Dangerous Foe

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"I'm going to use the awesome power of science....to rescue every last person...!"

Tsukasa didn't seem quite fond of Senku's words, now frowning as he turned away from the two people before him, Kai letting go of the wrist she holds onto. But she kept her guard on if he did anything else...

She never fought him, even though he somewhat offered that idea. So she wasn't sure whether or not she was capable of fighting Tsukasa on her level even when she never lost a fight in her entire life. But either way, she was prepared for what she was up against.

Just then, Tsukasa turns towards her again. Kai caught his movement, mouth shut as she looked up at the taller man whose gaze seem unreadable. The sun began to set, the warm colors over his rather handsome as the breeze slowly waved passed them. He said nothing at that moment, silently admiring Kai's beauty from underneath the sunset light....

"I've never meet a woman like you Kai..." Tsukasa began, making both Senku and Kai perk at his sudden words but he continued, "I know our meetings have only been short...but being near you makes my heart flutter an unknown feeling,"

Tsukasa proceeds to lift a hand and touch his chest lightly, his amber eyes boring her very own emerald ones. Senku's eyes were widen at this, his chest clutching as he heard Tsukasa say such words towards Kai.

"I think....I'm in love with you Kai..."

Senku could have sworn his whole world came in crashing down at Tsukasa's confession...his crimson eyes widen in shock as his chest began to hurt almost like a heartburn. He became stone white from the shock;


On the other hand...Kai silently deadpanned as she repeated Tsukasa's words inside her head. She was expecting a fight or a declaration of war...not...this?? She was so confused--

Tsukasa then took a step forward, now towering over her as he smiles gently at her. Kai blinks at his actions, feeling her palm being held by his very own rough hand, "What about you? What do you think about me?"

Kai backs away from how eager his amber eyes gleam, sweating a bit. It wasn't the first time someone has openly confessed towards the girl, heck she's even been proposed to!! She's always been surrounded by boys that only approached her because of her looks. Which is why she cut off her beautiful long black hair and began to dress a bit tomboyish. Even so...it really didn't stop anyone from approaching her.

Kai scratched her neck a bit, flashing him a poker face, "Uh...sorry...you're not really my type...."

Now it was Tsukasa's turn to deadpan while Senku had to refrain himself from yelling in shock. Not her type? Senku for sure thought Kai would be slightly interested in the Tarzan looking guy, I mean, wouldn't any woman go for someone like him?? He had abs, long hair and a sexy voice!! He was f*cking hot for goodness sake!!

"Pardon...?" Tsukasa says, his voice filled with unbelief as he tried to comprehend her words.

Kai saw this and sighs, still scratching her neck awkwardly, "You're not my type Tsukasa..." She rephrases again.

Tsukasa blinks a bit, still unsure by her words, "Then...what type of guy are you into?"

Kai wasn't necessarily expecting an answer since usually guys would give up when she said that. So...what was she suppose to say now? She had to think of a type...one that was completely and exactly opposite from Tsukasa---

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