《13》 Shine the Light

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  'What is going on?' 

Senku narrowed his eyes at the boy whom Kai held defensively. He heard loud and clear what the boy said, even noticing the way her emerald eyes widen briefly at the sight of the boy. Did she possibly know him? How come he knew of her? So many questions flowed his head...

  Despite the familiar pain surging back to his chest from when Tsukasa confessed to Kai, he ignored the feeling and looked over at the boy with the strange hair. Now wasn't the time to feel such thing--

"I recognize that face, you're Asagiri Gen...."

 Kohaku turns to this, alarmed by Senku's words, "So you know him?"

 He crosses his arms, narrowing his gaze towards the guy named Gen, "No, not one bit. He's a magician that writes those garbage psychology books,"

  His insults made Gen pout a bit, "So you know of my work, but calling it garbage? That's a bit harsh--" He tried to move but Kai shines the knife close to his neck...making him halt from moving. She growls lowly.


 He gulps a bit, peering over at how dangerously the knife closed upon him. If he moved one bit, his skin would pierce right through. Even so, he continues to speak, but instead...this time it's directed to Kai and not Senku.

 "Don't pretend like you don't know me Kai...I've--" But Kai cuts him off.

 "'--I know...you're the guy who interviewed my mother..." Kai narrows, tightening her grip on his wrist. He hums at this, wondering when she'll let go. He was beginning to feel a bit of pain from his wrist, not to mention he was getting tired of carrying the bowl of ramen. Even so, he continues his act.

"Ah~ So you do remember~" The male smiles, though it deems to be fake, "I'm such a huge fan of your mother~"

 Senku frowns upon hearing Kai's words. This man has interviewed her mother? Was she someone important? The woman in his memory seems like an ordinary mother, nor did he recognize her of any. As much as Senku was curious about Kai's personal life...now wasn't the time. Not when this guy by the name of Gen is here...he's for sure one of Tsukasa's men. 

 "I don't mind being held like this by a beautiful girl like yourself Kai~ But you're really starting to hurt my wrist--" Kai says nothing, urging Gen to continue, "But I'll let you know you've got the wrong person! I'm a poor innocent soul who awoke from the petrification on my own...!" 

 She didn't buy his lie, her glare hardening as her grip tightens. Poor Gen was beginning to flinch by her strong grip, but he did his best to not show it, 'Now it's starting to hurt...'

 Before he can convince her to let go of him when the genius boy spoke on his behalf, as of reading his mind.

 "Kai...you can let go now..."

 The emerald eye girl hesitates for a moment before reluctantly releasing Gen from her hold, much appreciated by the bi-colored male. He rubs his wrist from where her grip was, grimacing at the now bruising skin. Was she that strong? He glances over the girl, only to catch her venomous glare. He gulped...despite how beautiful her emerald eyes are they can also be terrifying when they glowed with anger.

 On the other hand, Senku grinned...quite content of how obedient Kai was with him. But he tried his best not to show it. He continues, "We'll let him be. But of course...there's no such thing as a free meal. Anyone who ate ramen will have to work--!"

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