Chapter 26 - Broken Hearts

Start from the beginning

Why is she being this harsh?

Nikhil angrily punched the wall causing his knuckles to bleed. Pretending not to notice Nikhil bleeding hands Shreya said "I bet your glad she left right" with a big smile. Nikhil's mind was fogged up without considering she was pregnant he slapped Shreya as hardly as he could putting all his anger in that slap.

Shreya then started crying just to get Nikhil's attention. As each second passed Shreya's started crying even more louder and when she saw that Nikhil's wasn't paying any attention she started punching her stomach "Your the reason for all this, your don't deserve to come to this world" Shreya said to the unborn child as if she was crazy !!

Nikhil looked back to see Shreya's crazy act !! "WTF are you doing Shreya" Nikhil shouted at her !! Making her finally stop her silly act "Nikhil please lets start living together and get married " Shreya pleaded "If you are not willing for that then you have to transfer a particular amount of money into my account every month so I can cover the cost of mine and your child's expense. However, that will be under one condition !! That you won't have any rights over your child only I will have. "

Nikhil was in no mood for Shreya's drama making one thing clear her stomped back into the house "We are going to do a DNA test as soon as the baby is born, everything else will be only decided after that".

"Nikhil wait " Shreya said

"WHAT ?" Nikhil asked

"Can I stay here until the DNA test results are out ?" Shreya asked Nikhil

"No get lost" Nikhil said

"How cruel are you Nikhil ? You dated me, used my body whenever you wanted and finally threw me away like a piece of paper after gifting me a child. Am I not worth anything for you to hurt me like this ? I can't believe how much Ananya has changed you." Shreya said in between her tears.

For a second Nikhil felt sorry for Shreya. He felt horrible for damaging two women's lives, Shreya may have acted toxic and tried to leak his documents but that wasn't a reason for him to leave Shreya in this condition.

"Ok you can stay here until the DNA test results are out, if the child is mine you can stay here but I wouldn't be able to love you, you will only be the child's mother nothing else. However, if the child isn't mine then Shreya you will have to face major consequences. Nikhil said and went to his room.

Nikhil stared at his empty room

Few hours ago me and Ananya was sleeping here peacefully sometimes you can't predict what life throws at you ...

Time was now 3AM

Where is she now ?

Is she safe ? What if something bad has happened to her ?

Where will she go ?

Shall I and go and see where she is and make sure she is safe?

Nikhil was restless various thoughts like this crossed his mind !!

But Nikhil decided to stay here, he informed Vijay about everything that happened and requested Vijay to make sure she is safe because Nikhil knew that Ananya absolutely despised him and he didn't want to create a scene at this time.

Everything's my fault, I am the one who created this knot !!!

Nikhil's eyes then met the divorce papers Ananya had signed !!! Nikhil heart was bleeding looking at those papers !! He hated himself for everything ...

Holding those divorce papers Nikhil went downstairs and took out an alcohol bottle and drank it until he lost his senses. Nikhil wasn't an alcoholic but today he exceeded his limits.

Nikhil didn't knew that love was this painful ...

Yes Nikhil wasn't perfect he has had many women in his life .... Ananya was the one who taught him the meaning of love ...

But in between teaching him what Love is Ananya left abruptly leaving a massive scar which will take a while to heal.

For the first time in Nikhil's life he experienced what a heart break is and today he understood that loosing someone you love is like waking up from an overdose and realising your still alive.

Probably today is the Nikhil realised what he had towards Ananya was something called LOVE.


So Ananya and Nikhil have parted ways ...

Will their paths cross again ?

will the child be Nikhil's ?

Will Nikhil accept Shreya once again into his life ?

Where do you think Ananya is going to ?

Will Ananya completely forget Nikhil and move on ?

If you were in Ananya's place what would've you done ?

Tell me know what you all think of this emotional update !!!! Please vote as well if you liked the chapter !!!!

I will come back with another chapter soon as possible guys. Till then stay connected :)

You may find many mistakes in this chapter please ignore it !!!!!!!!!!!

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