Chapter 17

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You had been thinking about your brothers lately but you didn't know why, you were starting to miss them over the years but did they miss you. You are looking up at the night sky wondering how much their lives have changed over the years.

Y/n " may have the years gone by it can change a person for the better or worst"

Adablim " hey love are you coming to bed"

Y/n " oh I'm coming" you soon walked back into your bedroom and see adablim and Luscca standing there with smiles on their faces.

Luscca " oh I love being here with you"

Y/n " hey I'm just happy you boys are here"

Adablim " yeah travel around the galaxy get tried at times but we know we are doing it for the greater good"

Luscca " I can't believe in a few weeks you will be our wife"

Y/n " I can't believe it as well but knowing all the latest issues happing around the galaxy, it seems like this wedding might have to wait a bit longer"

Adablim " we don't care if we have to wait longer as long we can all you our wife we will be fine" adablim kissed you one your forehead making you smile and blush.

Luscca " now come on why don't we go to bed and we can talk more about our wedding tomorrow"

Y/n " okay" you soon lay in bed with the two loves of you life and it soon fallen asleep in their arms feeling love and cared for, and the guys had taken a oath between them to make sure to keep your safe from your family and they will make sure they never harm you again.

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