Chapter 5: Disappointing Realizations

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"So, he doesn't want you around me anymore?" Drake asks.

"Well, technically he said he doesn't want me to be alone with you unless he can keep an eye on you," Harry says. Drake thinks of an idea, no reason he can't try.

"Maybe he doesn't want you to have me." Harry looks up from his hands with wide eyes.

"W-What? What are you talking about?" Harry asks.

I love how oblivious this boy is.

"I guess that he didn't tell you?" Harry glares at him.

"No, what did he say," Harry demands an answer. Drake takes his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"He asked me if I wanted to fuck him when you weren't home. I told him I already have my eyes on a curly haired lad. He told me he didn't want me around you anymore," Harry gasps.

"I don't believe that." Harry stares at the table. "Then again Louis will fuck anyone who walks." Drake smirks mentally.

"I guess I'll just have a talk with him," Harry says coldly. He smirks soon after. "After we do our project at your house." Drake smiles, he didn't realize Harry was capable of doing things he wasn't supposed too.

He wonders what else he can get him to do.

"Well, someone's being a bit rebellious today, aren't you?" Harry winks at him, turning around when the professor walks in.


"Okay, we're going to my house," Harry says, grabbing Drake's wrist. Drake gives him a questioning look.

"Why?" Harry smiles.

"I have to watch my goddaughter." Drake nods.

"Okay, are you sure you want me to come? We can work on it some other time," Drake tells him. Harry waves him off.

"No, she'll love you, don't worry." Harry promises.

"If you're sure." Harry beams and drags Drake to his car. They talk about random things for the whole drive.



"Lux, this is my friend Drake. Say hi." The two-year-old hides in Harry's neck, a frown on her face.

"Well, people say babies and animals are the best judges of character." Louis laughs, taking Lux out of Harry's arms, throwing her up a little bit. She giggles and laughs as he tickles her when he has her in his arms.

"Hawwy. Wouis, kiss!" She squeals, clapping her hands.

"Why babydoll?" Louis asks, kissing her forehead. She smiles.

"In wove," she says, wiggling to get down. Louis sets her down. She goes over to Drake, trying to push him.

"Love, what are you doing?" Harry asks, feeling the heat leave his cheeks.

"He weaves, I don't wike 'im. Meanie." Harry looks at her shocked while Louis smiles.

"Looks like you can't fool her pretty boy." Drake glares at him.

"Lux, go play with your toys okay?" She pouts, but smiles when he tickles her. She runs off.

"Sorry about that, I don't know what's gotten into her." Harry says.

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