Chapter 14: Facing the Beast

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"Harry!" They all scream, tears flashing into all of their eyes. Louis and Damien run to him to pick him up, not caring about the bracelet that tracks the boy. Damien will get it off on the way to the hospital.

"Fuck, baby," Louis cries, cradling his head. He can't die, not now.

They have so much more to do, so much to say.

He has so much love to give him.

"Lou, we have to go." Louis nods at Damien's words, but he can't move. He failed Harry. He didn't get to him in enough time. The bruises covering Harry's body look just like his did years ago.

Fuck, no.

"Lou, we have to—"


Louis looks over to see Zayn staring at them with a shocked face and then he looks down. Louis looks down to see Zayn's white shirt stained.

Stained with blood.

Louis watches as Zayn drops to the floor, revealing Aaron holding a gun.

The tension in the small room is so intense, Louis feels like it'll make him go crazy.

Or maybe it's because two of the most important people in his life are almost dead because of his monster.

Now he's Harry's monster too.

"What the fuck did you do to him!" Aaron yells in anger. He's pointing the gun at Louis, tears streaming down his face. Louis holds Harry close to his chest, trying to shield him from Aaron's sight.

"He did this to himself because of you!" Louis screams, cradling Harry to his body tighter.

"Get away from him!" Aaron screams, shooting the gun so a bullet barely misses Louis. Damien backs off, pulling Louis away from Louis who struggles to hold onto him.

"Let me go!" Louis screams when Damien pulls him away as Aaron takes the boy forcefully out of Louis arms. Damien lets Louis go once the boy stops struggling and moves towards Zayn, but Aaron points the gun at him.

"Don't fucking move!" Damien glares threateningly, his dark brown eyes boring meaningly into Aaron's evil ones.

"Aaron, we need to get Harry and Zayn to a hospital—"

"Shut the fuck up! I don't fucking care about that bastard!" Aaron screams, rocking as he clutches Harry's unconscious body to his chest. "You'll be okay. You're okay," he cries, only to sob when Harry doesn't do anything. "Harry, you have to be okay!" He screams, not looking up from the boy's pale face.

"Aaron, for fuck sake we have to get him to the hospital or he'll fucking die!" Louis screams, his eyes flicking between Aaron, Harry, and Zayn who is coughing violently.

"Aaron, stop being so fucking selfish! He's going to die!" Louis screams. Aaron drops Harry and goes to lunge for Louis, but stops when a gunshot goes off.

Suddenly, he drops to the floor to reveal Liam behind with his gun held up.

He leans down to Zayn while Louis runs to Harry.

"I called an ambulance. They should be here any minute." Damien checks Aaron's pulse.

"He still has a pulse." Louis brushes Harry's hair out of his face.

"H-How's H-Harry?" Zayn stutters in pain, coughing violently. Louis looks at Zayn in worry but then feels for Harry's pulse.

"His pulse is there. It-It's slowing down though." Louis can see how pale Harry is becoming and his heart is slowly falling into his stomach.

It's going to be a miracle if he makes it.

They hear sirens and Liam runs downstairs, leaving Zayn propped up against the wall.

"Lou, t-take care of h-him. Don't l-let him go because y-you're an i-idiot," Zayn chuckles, wincing in pain not a second later.

"N-No, Zayn, open your eyes!" Louis hears Damien shout and when Louis looks up he sees the tan lad slumped against the counter.

Everything becomes a blur. People rushing in, tending to Zayn as Damien is shouting. He holds Harry close.

"Sir, I need you to let me help him," someone says, taking Harry away from him. But he grabs Harry's hand.

"I'm not letting you go."


Everything is blurry.


Yelling, mostly.


The smell of blood is thick.

There's a constant beeping and it's getting faster.

More yelling.

"We're losing him!"

Everything's fading.

"Five hund—"




'I love you.' He thinks, closing his eyes.

Then, nothing.


Louis walks in the rain with his head facing the pavement. He just left the hospital, in a complete daze.

"Lou." Damien comes up behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder.  Louis barely notices, his entire body numb.

Louis turns around, tears streaming down his face as he falls into his friend's arms. Thunder crashes in the background as lightning lights up the sky for a few seconds. The sounds of cars flashing by making drops of water splash everywhere.

He's gone.

"He's g-gone. He fucking gone, Damien!" Louis sobs, holding onto his friend for dear life.

Damien hugs him tightly.

"I know. I know."


The sun was out and shining on the day of his funeral, the opposite of the day he died.

Louis is staring at the coffin with blank eyes, not hearing a word the priest was saying.

"Lou, are you okay?" Zayn asks from the wheelchair he was stuck in for a few more months while he healed. Louis nods, giving him a watery smile.

"Yeah, I'm okay," he reassures, giving he hand a squeeze.

He stares at the coffin as it lowers him into the ground, sobs coming from the few people that were there except for Zayn, Liam, and Damien. They needed to be strong.

Louis looks away as they begin to shovel the dirt on top of the box of death, turning to the lads.

"Lets go, we have another stop to make."


Louis walks into the hospital room, the sound of the heart monitor. Louis trudges over to the bed, looking at the man in a coma in anger.

"You better fucking wake up, I'm not done with you, do you hear me? We have so much more to settle you son of a bitch. So you better fucking wake up!" Louis spits out, his eyes watering. Why does he get to look so peaceful while Louis is struggling beside him?

"Just wake up already!" Louis spits out, storming out of the room and into the toilets. He takes a deep breath, splashing water on his face before he exhales all the anger and pain he's holding.

He takes a paper towel and dries his face before Liam barges in.

"He's awake."


A/N: So this chapter is shorter than most of the other chapters but I wanted to end it here. There will be one more chapter left and then maybe a epilogue but I'm not sure.

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