Chapter 4: Insurgence and Ignorance

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A/N: Long time no see, eh? Sorry about that. I really want this story to be good and it isn't going as planned which sucks for me. Comment and vote. Enjoy. xx


Louis wakes up with Harry still asleep in his arms, holding onto him tightly like he's afraid Louis will leave if he lets go.

Louis smiles down at the adorable boy and kisses his forehead, letting his eyes trail over his features.

Louis likes it when Harry's asleep. It isn't only because Harry seems so relaxed and carefree, but because he can just look at the boy without the fear of someone catching him.

He knows it's stupid, Harry's his best friend, he's allowed to look at him. He just doesn't like seeing disappointment and hurt in those green orbs when Louis fucks up, which is a lot of the time.

Yet, here Harry is, asleep and cuddling Louis tightly, tightening his grip whenever Louis moves. Even after all of Louis' mistakes.

Louis looks down at Harry's bruised stomach that is shown where his shirt is ridden up. The blue in his eyes narrow as protectiveness and hate and anger burn through his blood.

Someone hurt his Harry. His sweet innocent little Harry who should only have the best in the world, but instead has this shitty life because of Louis.

Louis doesn't want to wake Harry up to ask him, but he needs to know who hurt him, so they can get what they deserve.

"Harry," Louis whispers in his ear, shaking the boy lightly.

"Wha' do you want?" Harry slurs out sleepily, his voice a deep raspy tone the makes Louis get goosebumps, cuddling more into Louis. Louis smiles and kisses his forehead, nuzzling his nose in his curls.

"I need to talk to you, but I guess that can wait for when I take you out for breakfast. Go back to sleep." Louis feels Harry's heartbeat start beating fast but then slows down again. He smiles at the half awake boy and holds him tighter, loving when they cuddle like the other is their lifeline. Harry doesn't like to do that anymore—only when he's asleep or extremely upset—and Louis doesn't know why.

He hates it.

"M'kay." Harry rasps out, leaving a kiss on Louis' bare collarbone and falls back to sleep instantly.

Louis watches Harry sleep again, his skin burning where Harry left a kiss and it bothers him. Harry's kissed him before, places that only couples would kiss—like thighs and chests, sometimes lips, but not lately, nothing sexual—but lately he feels the burn from his lips stay on his skin.


He doesn't hate it, he doesn't dislike it, but he doesn't like it. He doesn't know how he feels about it, how he's supposed to feel about it.

Louis lays his cheek on Harry's curls and sighs, perfectly content with the situation, minus the bruises of course.

With one last look at Harry, he closes his eyes and falls asleep, dreaming of the days Harry told him everything and wasn't so distant.

Be he guesses he's to blame for that.


"Hello, beautiful." Harry hears as he looks up from the assignment he forgot to do last night. Harry smiles politely.

"Hi, Drake," Harry says quietly. He really wants to be left alone to finish the assignment. He has a feeling he won't be able to get it done.

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