Chapter 7: The Angel Eclipses the Devil

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A/N: Reread or you will be confused in future chapters. Xx


"Why won't you listen to me?" Louis pulls the book from Harry's hands, earning a glare from the younger boy.

"Because it's not true! Drake isn't like that!" Harry yells at him, reaching to get his book. Louis keeps it out of his reach, grabbing Harry's hand.

"He's bad news, Harry! Why would I lie about something like this?" Louis asks, why can't Harry ever believe him?

Louis told him about what happened during the deal, but Harry isn't listening.

As usual.

"You do whatever the hell you can to keep me away from other people. It's a surprise you let me go to fucking uni!" Harry yells at him, pushing him away from him.

"Harry, please, just listen to me for once! Go fucking take him to Ed's place and he'll agree with me, I guarantee it! He isn't good for you! He's only going to hurt you!" Louis yells right back. Harry looks at him.

"You'd let me take him to Ed's house?" Louis nods.

"I'd let you take him to anybody's house. Go to Ed's by yourself, go make friends, just not with him!" Louis begs. Harry looks at him with confusion in his eyes.

"You really don't want me to see him that much?" Louis nods, walking over to Harry. He takes one of Harry's hands and puts the other on Harry's cheek. Harry's lips look so soft, so pink. Louis doesn't think he's ever wanted to kiss someone so much before.

Well other than him.

And that scares him shitless.

"Please Harry, he—" Louis takes a breath. "He scares me, Harry." Harry's eyes widen in complete shock and Louis doesn't blame him.

Louis doesn't get scared. He's always the brave one. He deals drugs, carries a gun on him at all times, isn't afraid to stand up to anyone.

But he's scared of Drake.

"Why?" Harry asks softly, squeezing the hand that Louis is holding. Louis looks away.

"I-I don't know. He just reminds me of someone that I—" Louis stops himself, he refuses to remember those brown eyes. He looks into Harry's soft green ones, the ones that always make him feel okay. "Just please, I don't want you around him," Louis squeaks out softly, pulling Harry into a tight hug. Harry hears a sniffle and he hugs Louis tightly, pressing a kiss to his neck.

"Okay. I have to finish the project with him, but after that, I won't talk to him again. Okay?" Louis lets out a relieved breath.

"Thank you, Harry."


"You should head up to see Ed and Niall this weekend," Louis says as he braids Harry's hair. Harry looks at him in the mirror.

"Really?" Louis smiles and ties the braid with a ponytail.

"Yeah, I know you've been wanting to see him lately, I thought why not?" Harry spins around and hugs Louis.

"Thank you!" Louis smiles and hugs him back softly, breathing in his scent. Strawberries and mint.

"Maybe you can invite them to stay here for a week. We can all hang out." Harry pulls back with shimmering green eyes that Louis loves to see.

"Thank you," Harry says softly, hesitantly leaning in to give Louis a soft kiss on the cheek. When he pulls back there's a blush on both boys' cheeks as he gets up and goes into the living room to call Ed.

Louis touches his cheek softly, the tingle of Harry's kiss still lingering. He shakes his head, Harry is like a brother to him, his kisses shouldn't make him feel all tingly inside. But they do, and Harry always makes him feel the tingles.

Louis sighs as he climbs on the bed, scratching at his thigh.

He can still feel it, the needle inking his skin. He may have scratched it away but he still feels it there. He still feels his eyes on him, drinking in his scared, shaking figure.

Louis wipes his eyes when he realizes he's crying. He remembers the harsh words, horrible beatings he used to give Louis. He swore that day when he left that he would never fall in love again. He doesn't know if he can stop himself from doing that if Harry continues to be the sweet flower child he is.

Even if Harry isn't capable of causing people pain, Louis can't fall for him. He simply doesn't want to hurt Harry because, in the end, he knows he will.


"Text me when you get there," Louis says through the phone as he hears Harry throwing away his food.

"I will." Louis smiles as he hears a soft 'sorry' mumbled through Harry's mouth. Clumsy oaf probably ran into someone.

"Okay, have a good time, love you," Louis says, smiling when he hears Harry say it back. He hangs up and looks around, what is he supposed to do now? Then there's a knock on the door. Louis groans as he walks to the front door, opening it without looking to see who it was.

"Hello—why are you here?" Louis spits out, glaring at Drake.

"I came to see Harry, but I guess he isn't here since you opened the door." Drake smirks, looking at Louis' bare chest. Louis shifts uncomfortably.

"My eyes are up here, and no. Harry isn't here and won't be for the weekend so why don't you just fucking leave and not come back. Ever." Louis spits out, going to shut the door, but Drake's foot stops it from closing.

"But baby boy," Louis freezes, how didn't he know sooner? "I want to spend some time with you." Louis backs up him in fear, watching as he shuts the door.

"Don't come to any closer Aaron, stay away from me," Louis yells, his eyes starting to water. It's him.

"It's about time you recognize me." Louis glares at him. Aaron walks towards him, Louis backing away.

"Sorry, it's hard to recognize you when you aren't beating the shit out of me. What's up with the new look? Decide not to look like a fucking hobo and cut your greasy hair, shave the disgusting beard, and blue contacts, really?" Louis needs to shut his mouth. Aaron shrugs.

"I heard my new little cupcake liked blue eyes, and I want to look good for him when I take his virginity. Sorry, I didn't do the same for you, but I didn't expect to do it that night or I would have cleaned up a little bit more. But it's okay, right? You liked my scruff in between your legs, scratching up your thighs. Bet you'd still love it." Louis holds back his tears. He reaches behind him and grabs his gun, aiming it at Aaron's head.

"Get the hell out of my house or I will shoot you," Louis growls out. Aaron shrugs.

"Do you still have the tattoo baby? My little baby boy. So good for me when you were younger, now you're aiming a gun at my head." Louis shoots a bullet at Aaron's feet, barely missing.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Louis screams.

"Fine, but you aren't gonna stop me from taking him away from you." Aaron laughs, sending Louis a wink before he heads towards the door, stopping in the doorway. "He's so fucking perfect. I know he'll do much better than you ever did." Aaron hums, an evil and lustful glint in his eye. "Oh, him struggling and begging me to stop when we'll both know he loves it, you did, and he's so eager to please." Aaron bites his lip. "But don't worry, while he's gone I might just play with you, so you don't feel left out." Louis pulls the trigger, firing it with tears clouding his vision. He falls to the floor when he hears the door shut, sobbing his heart out. He scratches his thigh, trying to scratch the tattoo off.

It's already gone, but he still feels the pain.

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