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So I just want to say a few things first before you start the story!

1. First off, thank you so much for choosing to read this story.

2. This story follows the journey of a young witch named Delancey Cedar. This story is LOOSELY based on the generation that comes after the Golden Trio and their peers. I created many of the characters but some were created by J.K Rowling. This also has nothing to do with The Cursed Child. We don't claim that. 

3. If I make any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes etc. feel free to let me know and I will be more than happy to fix it.

4. The characters in the story will start as first years and end as seventh years.

5. As the characters get older (just like in real life) they will experiment and try new things but don't expect much romance and stuff like that when they are first years because they are only eleven.

6. Sometimes I have songs up top so start the song when I write the lyrics. (Except for the chapter that uses the song Roslyn in the chapter called "Year 2: Perspective I-Routine". In that one you start the song right at the beginning)

7. I would love it if you all comment so I can interact with you guys :))

ANYWAY! Thank you so so much for giving my story a try! I really appreciate it.

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