Year 3: Year Three's Finale

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The attempt in following Silas was unsuccessful. I ended up with a week's detention for being caught out past curfew by one of Filch's demon kittens. Though, I guess I was glad that I was not caught by Silas considering his intense warning the night before.

This set back though, was not going to stop me. I had one more moon until the end of term and I was going to confirm. Even though Silas's warning to not follow him was basically confirmation, I guess I was too tied up in my own head to find out.

Maybe this had just been my own source of entertainment or cure from my looming boredom. I never saw James anymore, Scorpius was usually with Venus, Al was either reading or hiding out in his dorm, and I never knew where Lucien was half the time. It must have been the end-of-term slump that caused everyone to sort of drift. Preparation for the summer I guess.

When I wasn't thinking about how to catch Silas, I was focusing on my studies. Specifically, Charms which skill somehow declined even more. Though, I was able to finally master second-year Charms. That Aguamenti that would have been useful many months ago.

During study hall one-afternoon Lily-Luna and I sat beside each other in the back, whispering the latest gossip trying not to get caught by Professor Longbottom.

"Apparently Cupid has actually settled down for once and is dating Jeremy Chang," she told me.

"Jeremy Chang? Hasn't she been with him already?" I asked, doodling in the margins of my notebook.

"They were snogging but were never actually dating," she explained.

A Prefect stared at the two of us, letting out a loud shush.

Ignoring him, we continued to speak.

"I know you're living with your uncle and all this summer, but I think you should visit the Burrows for at least a weekend." she smiled brightly.

"I'd have to ask," I replied. "I don't know, I don't want to offend them though."

"Come on the three of us won't be able to stand not seeing you for the whole summer."

I think James would have been fine not seeing me.

"I'll see," I replied.

"What if your uncle comes too. My father said he knows him, remember?"

"Your father knows everyone." I laughed, apparently a little too loudly because Professor Longbottom jerked his head towards us and put on his most stern face. "Sorry." I apologized sheepishly.

"Ask them, ok?"

"Fine," I replied.

When I got back to my common room, I tapped the face of the watch twice, as I did only a few other times before, and waited for the sound of Atticus's voice to be summoned.

"Everything alright kid?" his voice came from the watch.

"Ya, fine." I started. "I wanted to ask you something."

"And what is that?" Although I couldn't see him, I could tell he was smiling.

"My friend, Lily-Luna wants me to visit for a weekend this summer. She said you and Kauri can come as well."

After a moment of thinking, he responded. "Of course, I'd love to see the Potters again. Kauri says he'd prefer an invite via owl though."

"Throwing me under the bus eh?" I faintly heard Kauri laugh.

"Exactly. Is that all kid?" he asked.

In that moment, Lucien walked into the common room uncharacteristically glum-faced. His cheeks were flushed and maybe it was just the light of the common room, but he appeared to be on the verge of tears.

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