Summer: The Burrows I- A Family History

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"Delancey?!" Al called from the staircase when he saw me lying on his couch. He started down the stairs and I heard James say from the floor above, "Did you just say Delancey like as in Cedar?"

"Yes, she's in our living room." Al called back.


I heard James's door slam shut and watched as he ran down the stairs.

"What are you doing here?" James asked inquisitively with a slight smirk. His hair was unruly , hands in the pockets of his grey joggers and chest bare.  

"Don't be rude." Al said.

"I'm not being rude." James retorted.

"Don't worry." I said with a smile. "Your parents are kindly letting me stay here."

"For how long?" Al asked.

"I think for the rest of the summer. Unless my parents pop up out of the blue and come and get me." I replied.

I sat up, making room for James and Al to sit down on the couch as well. As James sat next to me, my cheeks grew a scarlet red upon noticing his shirtless figure was brushing my side.

"What happened?" James asked, while I tried to rid my blush.

"Long story short, some crazy lady came into my house at three in the morning, spoke to my father, lit the manor on fire, and then my parents disapperated to Merlin knows where, leaving me to save all the houseworkers and then everything else after that is sort of blurry."

"I swear Cedar, you live the craziest life." James chuckled.

"Ya." I replied. "It's not too fun though."

"I'm sure." Al said.

"Well, make yourself at home here." James said with a smile, getting up from the couch and walking towards the open kitchen. "Want any breakfast?"

"I'm alright." I said, blushing softly.

"Oh come on, you gotta eat something." he said, taking things out of the refrigerator.

"I'll have toast." Al answered.

"Make your own toast." James replied flatly.

Al rolled his eyes and got up from the couch. He took out a loaf of bread and used his wand to slice it magically.

"Do you like marmalade?" James asked, turning to face me.

"I guess." I replied.

"Alright, get ready for the best breakfast you will ever eat." *He said.

"I-" I started to say but realized that it would be futile to protest.

Instead, I admired the homely nature of the house. It was small, probably a fifth of the size of the manor...well technically speaking now it was bigger than the manor. When you first walked in, on your left was the small dining room and to the right was the kitchen. Right in front of you was the sitting room with a fireplace used for both fire and floo. Behind one of the couches was the staircase which led to the upstairs that I have not yet explored. The kitchen was decorated with greenery and spices hung down from the wall. The smell of whatever James was cooking filled my nostrils and considering the size of the house, I would probably be able to smell it from the upstairs.

"What are you cooking James?" Ginny asked as she walked down the stairs, Harry following behind her.

"What I eat every morning here. I'm making one for Cedar here as well." he said.

"Oh Merlin, bless your soul Delancey. His cooking is utterly atrocious." Ginny said.

"It is not." James said defensively. "I just happen to have a more open mind when it comes to food."

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