Cat's out of the Bag

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Sweat glistened off FP and Alice's close contacted bodies as they came down from their highs and relaxed into each other's embrace, enjoying the subtle bliss that followed and soaking in the rays of the golden sunlight that shone down on them so brightly as the sounds of their quickened calm breaths filled the room.

Their sessions of afternoon delight in his office had certainly proved to lift their spirits, so to speak, and getting it where they could whether it be his black leather couch, mahogany wood desk or his surprisingly comfortable laminated flooring was becoming a fun loving couple tradition for the two of them.

"That's the perks of being your own boss;" Alice sultrily began. "Unlimited extended breaks." She giggled into his pecks, laying on top of him as he had her enclosed in his arms and embrace, stroking her fingers along his burly chest before reaching up to his prickly facial hair.

He beamed with pride, chuckling sweetly as he nuzzled his nose into her strawberry shampoo scented midnight black locks that fell over his body, tenderly gliding his hand over her silk smooth back down the arch of her spine. "You got that right."

"Not to ruin the bliss or anything, but have you got anything on Hiram yet?"

"Nothing much yet." He reveals in disappointment, releasing a shallow breath as he played through her hair. "But we'll find out where he is. I promise. I've got one of my Serpent guys helping out. He's good at this investigation and tracking stuff. Never fails."

Recently, she had allowed herself to relax a little and break down her walls when it came to Hiram situation and tracking him down before he found her, allowing FP to help her every step of the way.

She accepted his enthusiasm and assurance, feeling confident in his certainty before snuggling closer into his chest, but as she did, she felt something within him shift, and his aura suddenly switch.

"You okay?" She questioned, lifting her head of his chest to stare into his lost eyes.

"I actually wanted to talk to you." He softly spoke with reservation.

She sits up on her elbow, staring at his distracted expression. "What about?"

"I think it's time to tell the kids." He unexpectedly dropped, taking Alice by surprise.

FP felt her tense up suddenly, the pleasure filled smile on her face contorting to a look of uncertainty and deep thought.

"You okay? We can hold off a little longer if you're not ready-"

"No, no. I am ready." She carefully interjected. Truth was, she had been more than ready for a while, but the hectic year she and her family had endured, a new man in her life was the last bombshell she needed to drop on them, and she felt she had been selfish enough.

"It's about time we came clean, and I'm tired of hiding too. I was just worried about how the girls were gonna take it you know? After Brody and moving and everything, I didn't wanna drop something so huge on them, they've been through enough-" She continued before trailing her acrylic finger up his chest. "But the longer we hold this off, the harder it's gonna be."

FP gently nodded in agreement, smiling tightly as he stroked his hand through her dark hair and tucked a strand behind her hair.

"I don't wanna hide us anymore than you do."

The silence after she spoke those words were deafening, and the only sound heard was FP's warming chuckle as his finger glide along her shoulder, and the love struck, absentminded gazing look set in FP's deep brown orbs caught her off guard. It was unexplainable just how much he loved this woman.

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