Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

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Chapter 8 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

The thought of Betty and Polly's first day at a new school had been plaguing her since she left the building.

Not only was she nervous for them but also nervous for everybody else. She had raised two spitfires who hated authority. It might had been less of an issue at their old school seeing as this was the case for the majority of students but not here in squeaky clean Riverdale.

It was already 3:30. School had finished 15 minutes ago and they should have been walking through the door any minute.

"Where do you reckon your mom and aunty are huh?" She asked a babbling Tyler who was seated in his high chair chewing on a fluffy toy.

"With my luck they've probably burnt the school down to ground by now huh?" She jokes as she flips through channels on the television. A knock at the door gains her attention.

She stands to open it up and the girls practically race in without speaking a word.

"I take it your first day was a real hoot huh?" Alice says sarcastically.

"Meh, it wasn't that bad, but I kissed my little bubba didn't I?" Betty says as she approaches Tyler's high chair.

"Well get him ready, we're going over to Fred's in a little while.

"We?" Polly asks rudely as she crosses her arms.

"Oh don't be like that Polly. It's a nice gesture, and it saves me from cooking." Alice says before taking a sip of her wine.

"Since when did takeout constitute as cooking." Her eldest jokes.

"Just shut up and get ready!" She scoffs to her.

The three women, along with Tyler, later made their way to the Andrews home for the dinner they had been invited to.

This was probably the first time a neighbour had been kind enough to invite Alice over for dinner so she didn't know what to expect. She had brought a bottle of wine just in case.

Alice approaches the door and knocks three times and it is answered by Hermione.

"Alice, glad you could make it." Hermione says to her with a smile on her face. She leans in for a hug and Alice nervously accepts.

"Yeah well I couldn't pass up the opportunity for free food." Alice jokes, causing Hermione to laugh along with her.

"Well come on in, you'll all catch your death out here." She says ushering them to enter her home. They step in and walk through the hallway, admiring the Andrews decor. It looked more homely than Alice had expected.

"Oh! Here by the way." Alice says pushing a bottle of wine in Hermione direction.

She gracefully accepts the bottle and looks down at it, appreciating the gift. "Thank you so much for this."

"I just wanted to bring something special, I didn't want to come empty handed."

"Because she can't cook." Polly interrupts with a smirk.

Alice rolls her eyes at her daughters snide comment.

"Well I'm not all that great in the kitchen either so I relate, but Fred is showing me the ropes." Hermione responds.

She leads the four of them to the dining room where they spot Veronica and Archie already sat at the table and they all take their seats.

"Fred will be out in a second." Hermione says to everyone.

"Well we better get this open then." Alice says holding the bottle of wine up.

"I'll get the wine opener." Hermione says as she gets up from the table. "Oh Betty honey, are you sure you don't want me bring out a high chair for Tyler? Fred still has Archie's one in the basement." Hermione kindly offers.

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