There's Only One Bed

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The minute the confirmation came out of her mouth, she shifted in unease as she folded her stern arms, clapsing her sweaty palms together as she tried to gather her composure, as much as she could, before storming out of the cold and dreary room.

Her breath remained shaky as she walked down the hall, slight unease clouding her whole face before sinking to the floor in despair.

FP exit the room, worry across his features as he searched the halls for her before landing his eyes upon her, with her head in her hands. He had to approach this sitatuion delicately, he had never seen her so vulnerable and troubled and he didn't know what to do, he just wanted to take the pain away from her.

"Alice?" He spoke softly, lowering himself to her level and resting his hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

She didn't respond verbally, all that FP recieved was a burst of nervous laughter.

He furrowed his brows nervously, concerned by her odd reaction. This was certainly not a normal reaction somebod finding out their mother was dead.

However, upon deeper thought, he didn't know much about the woman, or the nature of Alice's realtionship with her, so perhaps it wasn't his place to judge.

"Don't be." She chuckles, glaring up at the ceiling in delight. "I'm free." She croaks out. "I'm finally free." She say with relief before taking a deep sigh.

She stands finally, strengthening her back firmly as she fixed herself up. "This is probably the weirdest reaction you've ever witnessed to someone finding out their mother's died."

"Not really, well, sort of." He admits with a shoulder shrug before placing his hands in his pockets. "But I'm not judging you, it's not my place. You can feel however you want to feel, relieved, sad-"

"I'm not sad." She interrupts firmly before wiping her tears away. "I'm happy, these are tears of joy."

Admitting relief of her mother's passing out loud still felt unnatural, despite the mix of emotions that coursed through her.

"She can't hurt me anymore." She added, clenching her eyes shut.

FP's eyebrows spiked upon hearing this revelation. "Hurt you?"

"Didn't I tell you before?" Alice spoke with a hint of wonder in her voice. "She used to hit me, amongst other things." She laughed ironically

He knew all too well about physical abusive parents, which is why his own heart sank the minute that came out of her mouth, hence why he chose to be more understanding in that moment.

"You never said much about her, about what she was like." He imposed before seating himself next to her.

"Not much to tell, unless you find the tales of an abusive, selfish and narcissistic alcoholic interesting."

"She loved the bottle, more than she ever loved me." Alice sniffles as she looks down at her feet.

"I know the feeling." FP croaked out in an understanding tone.

She turned her head at him, her eyes narrowing in surprise as her eyes beamed with curiosity. "You do?"

FP gulped anxiously before continuing. "My old man, he knocked me about every now and then." He revealed reluctantly, not wanting to take attention away from her pain. She was fragile now and needed support and a listening ear, not another sob story.

Alice gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth in surprise before resting it down on his knee. "I'm sorry." She whispered softly.

"No- no. Don't do that." He said sternly, taking her off of his thigh and clasping it comfortably in his own. "Don't apologise for my shitty father, and you don't have to apologise or feel bad for your mother either."

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