Deadbeat Dad

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Betty was the first to wake up that morning, still baffled and overwhelmed over last night's arrival.

She hadn't seen her Dad fully since she was 9, but even before then he was constantly in and out of prison and floating in and out of their lives.

She tiredly staggered down the stairs, rubbing her drooping eyes before landing them on her Father fast asleep on the couch, looking totally careless as his shirt hang off the edge of the couch and his leg swung over the back.

She tightened her face muscles in frustration, before smugly pursing her lips as a cunning idea crossed her mind. She wandered over to the kitchen sink with a spring in her step. She reached for a glass in the cupboard above and ran the tap, filling it half full before returning to the living room and splashing it right into his face.

"Ugh!" He bellowed in shock, sputtering out water from his mouth as he sprung up from his slumber, calming slightly when he saw the culprit was his daughter. "What the heck was that for?!"

She nonchalantly shrugs, pursing her lips in amusement. "Hmm, couldn't decide." She announces before placing the glass down onto the coffee table. "Somewhere between raiding my piggy bank to score weed, getting arrested for assault at my 1st grade nativity, the only one you ever showed up for, being in an out of jail or taking off for the 50th time and not bothering to call. Take your pick Daddy dearest."

Alice tiredly waltzed down the staircase, rolling her eyes at the bickering pair.

"She just threw a glass of water in my face. Whatcha gonna do about it, huh?" Brody questioned her, wanting her to scold their daughter.

Alice scoffed, twitching the side of her top lip upwards at the sight of him as she tiredly ran her hand through her hair.

She carelessly wandered over to the coffee machine, preparing her much needed morning beverage and not wanting to get involved in whatever dispute was going between her ex and their daughter.

"Your kid, your problem." She sassily answered with a lacklustre smile. She had only been awake a minute and he was already pushing her buttons, but that unfortunately was his greatest skill.

He pulls the blanket over the couch, slowly standing and beginning to cockily approach her in the kitchen. "You uh, gonna make me one of those?" He asked with a light smirk, making Alice frown in disgust as she poured the dark liquid into her worlds best mom mug.

"Piss off. Make your own." She spat with furrowed brows, taking the mug in her hands, bringing it to her lips and making her way back to the living room and the king back into the couch.

Brody sauntered back in too, darting his eyes back to his unimpressed daughter.

"So, kiddo, what's new with you?" He asked in mild enthusiasm, a cheeky grin appearing on his face as he sat down on the couch next to his ex. Alice immediately shuffled closer to the corner.

"Don't pretend like you care." Betty sassed. The nerve of him she thought to herself. He's absent for 6 years, floats in and out of her life like fatherhood is a choice and then shows up, attempting to spark up a casual conversation.

"I do." He answered with slight certainty.

"Funny way of showing it." Alice murmured in the corner as she stared down at her steam emitting mug.

He paused at Alice's snide comment, his cheeks growing slightly hot as her words hit him. Deep down he knew she had made a good point, he hadn't exactly done well at displaying his love for his family due to his selfish and cowardly ways but as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and he was determined to fix his mistakes. "Look, I know I've got a lot of making up to do, but I'm here now aren't I? That's gotta count for something, right?" He defended.

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