Return of the Mack

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The golden sunlight danced along her porcelain make up free skin that morning, forcing her to wake at the crack of dawn.

As her ocean blue eyes fluttered open, trying to familiarise herself with her unusual surroundings before she remembered she had taken up at a motel for the night.

She stretched along the mattress and opened her eyes fully before landing them on a shirtless FP right next to her, with her arm stretched out over his chest. For a flash second, she had forgotten she had kindly requested he'd share a bed with her before remembering what went down last night.

Quickly removing her arm, she sent a soft glare his way, observing his sleep position, the way he softly snored and the tattoos placed on his body. He looked so calm, so peaceful. Surely it was no coincidence that that sleep happened to be the best she's had in a while. She figured he just had that comforting vibe and aura about him. Despite their rocky start, she had noticed something welcoming and calming about him from the moment she met him.

He suddenly groaned out, wriggling his back as he slowly opened his chocolate brown orbs, her slightly stunned face being the first thing he saw. She became tight lipped upon being caught staring at him, shifting back a little to give him some space.

"Mornin'." He groaned tiredly as he leaned up on to his elbows, looking around the motel room before landing his eyes back onto her. He rubbed his eyes calmly before focusing on her again. Even with her mascara filled eyes cleaned and wiped and completely bare and her usually neat dark locks messily falling over one shoulder, she still looked like the vision that rendered him speechless

"Hey." She answered back with a warm smile as she nervously scratched the back of her neck, a common habit of hers when she was anxious, but in the good way. "You sleep okay?"

"Yeah." He softly raved, nodding his head to empathise his point as he sat up against the head rest. "As good I could anyway."

She nodded and pursed her lips in satisfaction, her hand still rubbing against the pulse point by her neck. "Good. That's good."

He slowly narrowed his chestnut eyes at her before his lips twitched up into a welcoming smile, which she was starting to find charming in a way.

"I'm gonna go catch a shower, before we leave." She informed with an awkward smile before turning. He calmly nodded as he watched her walk away.

As she reached the door to bathroom, she halted for a minute, something inside of her desperately needing to see his face again. "FP?!" She called out once more.

He averted his gaze towards her, immediately turning soft at the sight of her innocent face.

"Thanks again, for coming with me."

"Sure. It's no problem."


"Ugh!" Polly groaned as she was introduced to the momentous impact of her heavy drinking the night before.

She held her heavy and pounding head in her hands as she glared around her messier than usual room courtesy of the cluttered clothes and red plastic cups all over the floor, before landing her eyes on the half naked body next to her, instantly changing her mood. Last night was definitely something.

She pulled a sneaky smirk before creeping her hand over the girls face and pulled back her dark hair before leaning over and bringing her mouth to her ear.

"Rise and shine, bitch." She greeted in a sultry tone, pursing her lips out and placing a kiss below the mystery girls earlobes.

She groaned upon being woken up, slowly fluttering her eyes before grinning with glee once she processed what was happening.

New Beginningsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें