It All Falls Down

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Zipping up her black velvet thigh high boots, well Polly's black velvet thigh high boots. that tenderly hugged her toned thighs, she smiled proudly as she got ready for the Taste of Riverdale event.

It may not have been a bar or a club or a regular girls night out but she wanted to go out and show Penelope she wasn't going to be intimidated or belittled by her, and that she didn't control her, and with a word of advice from Hermione, it was all she needed to fire her up.

She looks into her full length mirror with a smirk on her face, her dark hair hanging down either side of her shoulders, admiring her body, that still looked amazing even after two kids, the benefits of having them young she figured, as the dress hugged her curves and accentuated her figure in all the right places. Completing her outfit with a faux fur coat, she was ready to go and exit her bedroom.

"Why are you wearing my boots?" Polly asks as her mother comes down the stairs.

She swings around the bannister as she reaches the final stair. "Because you only have one pair of feet." She retorts back to her daughter

Polly slumped back into the couch and folded her arms in annoyance. She wasn't very much looking forward to the event and made very little effort to dress up. This was the case with Betty as well. Neither of them wanted to go and were doing their best to make it abundantly clear to their mother.

"And what's up with you two?" Alice questions as she notices the girls sour faces

"We're not interested in this lame party, that's what." Betty mumbles back. "And I had to leave Tyler with that weird babysitter."

"Well she's the only one I can afford, and I thought you both loved parties." Alice states as she fixes her lipstick in the hallway mirror

"Yeah, when there's people our age around, not when it's full of stuck up middle aged townsfolk talking about boring shit." Polly expresses

"Well Hermione's bringing Archie and Veronica along. That should be fun, right?" She informs them, trying to get them more enthusiastic.

The sound of her doorbell interrupts her. "Ooh! That's Hermione."

She makes a beeline for the door, opening it wide and letting her in with Veronica and Archie following behind her

Hermione's jaw dropped the second the door opened revealing Alice on the other side. She slowly stepped in and looked her friend up and down. "Well you look!"

Alice shrugs her shoulders with a grin. "Oh I know."

Hermione turns her head towards a miserable Betty and Polly slumped back into the couch. "Hey girls, why so glum?"

Alice scoff and rolls her eyes. "Ugh, ignore them. They're in a strop brace they don't wanna go."

"Oh. Looks like all four of you are in the same boat then. These two kick up a fuss every year." Hermione exaggerates as she points to Veronica and Archie.

"I'm sure all four of you can make your own fun." Alice suggests

A lightbulb practically appears above Betty's head, she sits up as she unfolds her arms, her eyes gleaming with slight mischief.

"Yeah. You're right Mom." She says feigning excitement and sudden interest in the event, that goes unnoticed by her mother. "Come on guys, let's go into the kitchen and get a snack before we leave." Betty suggests, with a clear hidden agenda on her mind.

The other three teens follow her into the kitchen, their faces flashing with confusion.

"That's the spirit!" Alice mentions to all of them as she and Hermione watch them all walk off.

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