A Step into the Past

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A/N: Despite what the contents and themes of this fic may have you believe, I am very much PRO sex work and solicitation and incredibly supportive of the profession, as any real feminist/womanist should be, and I will call for the decriminalisation and ending the stigma around the profession for as long as I'm breathing.

I just wanted to establish that first and foremost because writing this chapter in particular made me realise that throughout this story, I've portrayed it as something negative and may have unintentionally gave readers the impression that I am highly against it and that's it something that should be frowned upon. I'm telling you now, it isn't.

However, for stories to be at their best and heighten the drama, you've got to steer into a rocky path every now and then.

With that being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to vote up and comment at the end ❤️


January 2001

Alice had attended many parties throughout her adolescent years, some within her own home, getting drunk and dancing the night away to forget her troubles and escape the chaotic hell of a life she lived. It was her favourite past time, but this high school party in particular was different.

Instead of downing as many beers and shots as she could in a corner on her lonesome, or putting on a show on the dance floor, she was upstairs, in the company of the very handsome and very charming jock Bryce Jackson.

He was certainly her type, physically speaking anyway, and it had pleased her very much when she caught his eye on her, the very eye that had been on her all night. It was only inevitable that she ended up straddling his lap in with her arms wrapped securely around his neck, grinding down on his semi hardened member while his large calloused hands caressed her hips underneath her cotton white vest shirt.

"You're so fucking hot Alex." Bryce complimented in an aroused daze, unaware of his minor name screw up.

"It's Alice, dude." She corrected unimpressively before diving back into his thin pink lip. "Do you have anything?" She breathed out in between their kissing before taking a moment to remove her shirt.

Slightly pulling back as her vest fell to the floor, he smirked cockily and reached into his front pocket of his jeans, holding the slightly bent and tatty foil packet up to her face. She wondered if it was still usable, or even in date but at that moment, she couldn't care less, she just wanted to get down to business.


"You got talent Smith." Bryce revealed in a pleased huff, pulling his pants up around his waist and buckling his belt as he grinned towards her like a Cheshire Cat. Unbeknownst to Alice, his radiating happiness was due to the fact that she was the best lay he had ever had, but he wouldn't admit it out loud.

"So I've been told." Alice responds smugly as she pulls the duvet to her chest. She reaches her hand down to the floor, searching for her long discarded bra and clipping it on before resting against the headboard. "Maybe, we should do this again?" She suggests, a seductive smirk donning her face.

Bryce halted his dressing for a moment, his face dropping slightly before releasing a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, maybe." He croaks quietly before turning to the door and unlocking it.

He glanced back at her in the bed, watching her raised eyebrows shift as she waited for a straight answer. "I'll see you around."

And with that, she watched as he left, feeling positive about the possibility of having a new man in her life, but for now, it was back to her existential hell.

New BeginningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora