Meet the Andrews

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A/N: First of all, so sorry for the late update and lack of updates. Last week was pretty crazy, due to the fact that I MET MADCHEN HERSELF AT THE RIVERS EDGE CON! And I'm still recovering. It was truly the most rewarding experience of my life. If you want to know more you can ask me about it on my curiouscat 90samick or simply on Twitter @sheiiyjohnscns. With that being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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"Hermione have you seen my gym sweater?"

"Archie, love, the gym is closed this time of year, you know that." Hermione reminded her stepson as he ran around the house looking for his beloved sweater, he considered it lucky because every he had worn it during a practice, his football team won a game.

"I know but I'm going for a run." He explained to her as he tied his shoes.

"I put it in your top drawer." She answered before returning to the dining room table to work, passing her daughter in the living room, who had been playing video games all morning.

"You should go with him mija, the fresh air will do you good." She says to her.

"I'm good here thanks." She responds, barely taking her eyes off the television screen.

"Veronica, your mothers right. You can't be cooped up in here all day blowing up zombies." Fred advises.

"Hey, you guys shouldn't have got me it for Christmas then." Veronica answers back.

"She's got a point there." Hermione mumbled before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Will you at least take the trash out? Pretty please?" He asks of her. She rolls hers eyes and pauses her game, getting up to retrieve the trash from the kitchen.

She dragged the bag out to the trash cans outside their house and saw an unfamiliar blonde leave the home next door with a baby on her hip. She seemed to be retrieving a toy from the truck and returned back to the big house with the red door.

She figured that they must be their new neighbours and was interested in them immediately.

"Looks like someone finally bought the house next door." Veronica announces as she returns.

"Someone did?" Fred questions

"Yeah, I just saw a girl go in there with her baby brother, the truck outside is theirs too." Veronica explains

"New neighbours? Well in that case we should go over and introduce ourselves." Hermione advices

"That's great. You get right on it." Veronica said before jumping back onto the couch and continuing her game.

Hermione rolled her eyes at her daughter. "I meant all of us, young lady." She said before grabbing Veronica's arm and pulling her up off the couch.

"Arch, we're going to say hi to the new neighbours, come down." Fred yelled up the stairs.

"Since when did we have new neighbours?" He yelled back

"Veronica saw them come out just now. They must've moved in last night." Hermione responded

"Okay hang on I'll be right down." He informed them. A couple minutes later and they all left for next door, Hermione with a bottle of wine in her hand, ready to greet the new neighbours.

Fred was the first to ring the bell when they stepped onto the porch and approached the door.

"What if they don't answer?" Archie asked.

"Let's hope they don't, then we can go back." Veronica mumbled in an unimpressed tone.

Unfortunately for her, they were home, as they heard bickering between the three Smith women from the other side of the door. From what they could make out, it was about rooms and missing items.

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