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Alice wasn't a funeral person, and having so little relatives and loved ones in her life she had never experienced the horror of true grief and attending a funeral service to say goodbye for the last time, so today, the day of Brody's memorial and cremation, was already piling on much unneeded pressure that she didn't want to endure, but despite how she felt, she knew it was much more important for her to remain strong for her girls, especially Betty, as today was going to hit her the hardest.

She stood firmly in front of her full length mirror, releasing a shallow yet shaky breath as she observed how her fitted black deep V neck sweater and tight black pencil skirt that fell a little too above her knee hugged her figure, carefully smoothing out any bumps, wrinkles or creases as the lack of light from her undrawn curtains forcing a dark atmosphere across the room to perfectly match her mood.

A light knock on her door disturbed her from her outfit prep, and she quickly turned on her black stiletto heel.

"Come in!" She softly encouraged, turning to her mirror once more and noticing the reflection of FP gently approaching her from behind in his dapper fitting all black suit and charcoal grey shirt that he had left unbuttoned twice at the very top perfectly displaying the very top of his ivory skinned muscular chest. He tenderly rested his hand on top of her right shoulder, and she instantly felt a semblance of warmth as he did.

"You ready?" He asked her softly.

Alice turned as she held onto his hand, taking another deep breath and forcing a brave smile on her face before answering. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Reaching for her small black replica purse that sat on top of her bed side table, she pulled it over her shoulder, and proudly linked arms with her boyfriend before exiting her room.


Despite the mutual worry and affirmations between the three Smith women, the service turned out to be heartwarmingly bittersweet.

Exiting the cars and walking to the crematorium entrance hand in hand with the Jones men slowly following behind and the Andrews already stood outside offering sympathetic smiles and warming greetings, Alice and her daughters felt much less on edge with all the added support.

A few tears were shed as well as a few laughs and chuckles hurled as young Betty delivered an emotional pre written eulogy, with the help of Alice, sharing their fondest memories of him and tales of his wild ways and escapades from his bad boy past, to his daring and impulsive ways that knew no bounds, and how they resulted in some of the best nights of Alice's life, to how he'd always take life by the horns with no second thought, but most importantly, how he wasn't perfect, and plenty of faults and flaws, but remained a good hearted soul when it came down to it, and that he truly loved his family, even if he didn't always show it.

And as the service slowly came to an end, and the three women watched the caramel brown casket glide through and disappear behind the ruby red curtains, it was like a dark cloud that had been towering over them had finally began fade, with relief and closure rightfully taking its place.

With the minimal amount of guests paying their respects, Alice had opted out of the traditional wake concept and instead chose to have the age appropriate small gathering join her at the Wyrm for the afternoon to toast a glass to Brody, while the teens had returned to Elm Street for a Movie night at the Andrews.

The four sat quietly in the dimly lot bar, seated around one of the bars circular Oakwood tables, a half bottle of fresh Scotch placed on the middle of the table and four full glasses surrounding them after rising them simultaneously in celebration of their dearly departed.

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