Love is in the Air?

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A/N: Okay so remember when I said in one of my previous chapters that I apologise in advance for what I have planned? Well, I'd just like to take this opportunity to apologise again 😬

It's Friday afternoon biology and Betty is deeply wishing she had just skipped it.

She didn't see the point in this subject at all, it wasn't like she was going to work in the scientific field when she was older.

She stares out the window and taps her pen out of boredom, her professors words literally going in one ear and out the other until her thoughts are stopped by a nudge to her shoulder.

"What?! What is it?!" She asked Veronica.

"Were you even listening to Professor Potter?" She asks as she narrows her eyes

"Do you really have to ask that?"

"So, do you wanna pair up for this project or not?" Veronica questions

"Sure, whatever. Beats getting placed with someone I can't stand." Betty smirks as she stretches.

She looks over at the desk in the corner and notices Archie and Jughead being very friendly towards each other, no doubt they've probably paired up for this project she thought.

"What's going on between those two?" She questions as she stares at the redhead and the beanie clad boy.

Veronica sighs as she puts her pen down. "Arch and Jug? Just an over the top bromance. Fred jokes about them being practically attached at the hip. Why do you care anyway?"

"No reason, just curious." Betty lies as she continued to glare at the smiling boys.

Their class comes to a end and the girls prepare to leave the minute the bell rings.

"So, shall we meet up tomorrow and brainstorm ideas?" Veronica suggests.

Betty reconsiders it for a minute we she puts her backpack on. "Uhm, yeah sure, just come over to mine tomorrow morning."

"Okay. Well I'll see you later I've gotta head over to my shift at Pops."

"Bye." Betty says seeming distracted as Veronica walks off to make her shift in time.

She notices Archie and Jughead sneaking off down the halls towards the boys locker room. She knows it's not Football practice today and there isn't a Friday night game, so what could they possibly be up to.

She continues to wade through the students in the hallways rushing to get home and turns the corner into the locker room.

She stops by the door and sneaks her way in, not wanting anyone to catch her going from outside or in.

She creeps past the door and peeks  her head around the corner, only to see Jughead and Archie in a full on make out session.

The things she could do with physical evidence of Riverdale's star quarterback getting it on with the shy and awkward hipster/emo. She smirked to herself as she pulled her phone out and snapped a photo of the two, capturing their best angles.


Saturday mornings go by slow in the Smith household considering nobody gets up before 10, but their morning routines are interrupted by the sound of their doorbell.

Alice gets up out of bed, still groggy and in no mood to talk to anybody. She scratches her head before grabbing her robe and cigarettes from her bedside counter, placing them in her pocket as she made her way downstairs.

The doorbell goes off once more as she gets to the bottom of the staircase.

"Damn it! I'm coming!" She yells out. She walked towards the door and opened it up to find a prissy looking red headed woman. She an expensive broach attached to her blazer and wore leather gloves.

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