Battle of the Bands

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"How do I connect my phone? There's no way I'm listening to your Indie crap on this drive." Polly stated sternly to the four younger teens as they packed up the trunk with their belongings, earning eyerolls and looks of displeasure from each of them.

Betty managed to bribe Polly with a share of their potential winnings from Battle of the Bands if she drove them all, however she had yet to inform Veronica, Archie and Jughead, who were under the impression she was doing it out of the goodness of her heart.

"Uhm, I'm not sure it's compatible with the system Polly." Fred informed her, twiddling around with the system and cords. He knew next to nothing baout modern technology, and his mildly outdated van certainly didn't help. He embarrassingly dismissed it and returned to the front lawn, joining Alice, FP and Hermione as they prepared to see the kids off.

"I want phone calls, every 4 hours from you or Archie, do you hear me?" Hermione told her daughter sternly, taking a hold of the girls shoulders.

"Yes, Mom!" Veronica exasperated as she stepped into the van and pulled on her seatbelt.

"Same with you Jug!" FP reminded him, pointing a stern finger along with it. It was the first time The Andrews and the Jones were sending their kids off somewhere with no legal adult supervision, so naturally they were terrified, and had spent weeks prior making sure they were responsible enough.

Alice however, was much more lenient and trusting with Betty and Polly, on account of raising them to be independent since a young age. She didn't believe in wrapping her children up in cotton wool and keeping them in a protective bubble their whole lives because unlike most parents, she had faced the harsh realities of life from a young age herself, and she knew she wasn't always going to be around for her daughters, so having them foster independence and strength from early on in life was vital to her. 

"Mom, don't let Tyler nap longer than 2 hours, I'm trying to get him into a-"

"Routine! I know baby, you already said." Alice stated in a motherly way. "Don't worry, he'll be fine with his favourite grandma."

"His only Grandma." Betty corrected with a grin.

"Polly? You're in charge, and get 'em all there in one piece okay?"

The older teen nodded before turning the key in the engine and getting it to start up.

Alice blew a kiss to both her daughters while the remaining parents nervously waved off, watching the van move further up the street and disappear around the block.

"Well we better get off then." FP mumbled to a very keen Alice, earning a smirk of mischief from her before sliding his hand around her hip and proceeding to guide her back inside. With the kids away for the weekend, they had every intention of taking advantage of the alone time.

"Hey, where you two off to?" Fred innocently asked, furrowing his brows in curiosity as he wondered why FP was following Alice into her home rather than returning to his own.

The two secret lovers shared a quick anxious glance with one another, waiting for a half decent lie to pop up in their minds. They had yet to reveal the nature of their relationship to anybody.

"Oh uhm-" Alice croaked in a high tone, widening her lips slightly as FP's face flushed a bright crimson shade. "FP was just, going to help me, put up some, wall sconces."

"Yeah, that- that's right." FP stammered, nodding excessively before turning his embarrassed expression from his best friend and facing Alice once again. "We should get started. See you guys later." FP added briefly before he and Alice briskly made their way to her front door.

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