Do you not love me anymore?

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A/N: Golden mv just came out today! How you guys feeling? Are you dead yet? Because I know I am OKAY

Summary: Harry has been blowing Louis off recently. Louis thinks he's cheating.

Angst with happy ending

Louis Pov

I sat on the couch and smiled fondly over at Harry has he chuckled over cat memes. It's been a while since Harry and I been out, he just been so busy lately. Which I could understand since he is a lawyer, I turned on my phone and searched the web for a little bit. An ad pops up showing a new restaurant that is opening today and it's around out area.

I smiled at the idea of going out to dinner with him, Harry works long hours to maintain a roof over our head while I can barely find a job. Sometimes I think I'm not good enough because I've exactly brought anything to the table or kept my worth. As much as Harry tells that I shouldn't worry so much, I still feel like I should repay him in some way.

I didn't have a great childhood; my family wasn't really accepting that I was gay. Not really isn't a good enough term more like oppose of it, I can't change who I am. I was kicked out once they realized I wasn't gonna change, I was on the street...homeless. But Harry took pity on me and took me in into his home, maybe the reason why Harry got with me because he felt sorry for me.

I shake my head and turned to face Harry and said "This new restaurant is opening today; we should go we haven't been in out in months" I smiled sheepishly.

He gives me a sad smile and I already knew...another rejection.

"Awe I'm sorry Lou, maybe we can go some other time" he said before kissing my temple and head towards our bedroom.

I slump back into the couch with my arms crossed over my chest 'maybe some other time, you said that last week and the week before that' I thought. Maybe he's just tired of me and found someone who's way prettier than me. Harry is a handsome man and has many admirer's both men and women, I know Harry would never cheat on me but he just feels so disconnected.

I turned on the TV to help get my mind off things.

Later that day

I looked at the lock and saw that it was past 10 O'clock, I yawned and turned off the Tv with remote that was sitting beside me. The room was now dark, I walk silently to the room but stopped at the door when I heard Harry whispering on the phone. I couldn't hear the other person on the line but Harry's.

"No, he doesn't know...I'm not going to tell him just yet...I've been putting him off, I think he's starting to get suspicious...I'll call you later, Love you bye

Harry's been purposely putting me off, hiding things from me, and telling someone else he loves them. I knew it was to good to be true, like water from a flood, tears burst free, spilling down my face. I feel my chin muscles tremble like a little boy.

I felt like my heart was broken into a million pieces, I trusted him, I gave him everything and in return he broke was so precious to me and handed it back to me not caring how I felt. I inhale and then exhaled, I whipped my tears off my face and tried to compose myself, I walked through the door and walked past him not saying a word even when he greeted me. I just laid beside him, the warm feeling I got from just being around him felt cold, I felt that in long time.

Harry was my home, I found safety within his arms. Is he even mine to call anymore, I held my tears him not wanting him to see me vulnerable.

After that fateful day, I hated when he smiled at me. I saw it as fake; I wish he had broken up with me first before jumping with another man or woman. I held in my emotions for so long, this must be the cherry on top. Does the world hate me? Gave me hope and a chance at a better life only for it to mostly likely to be stripped away.

Time skip

Weeks went by it' Harry's birthday today; his co-workers threw him a party everyone was there. I watch from afar at the bar as I watch Harry drunkenly grind up against another woman, I scoffed and turned towards the bar and drunk down my alcohol in one gulp.

Order another and other drinking myself silly trying to drink the pain away and feel some sort of numbness. I felt a presence sit beside me, I turned to the man. He had blonde hair, obviously dyed, blue eyes, and some nice, framed glasses.

"Rough night?" he had a thick Irish accent; I take sip of my drank then said nonchalantly "I guess you can say that"

"Why don't you come back to my place" he said seductively, I blushed. It's been a while since I received any type of compliment from Harry. Before I could decline his offer, I felt an arm go around my waist. I looked up to see Harry giving this guy a deadly glare, eyes dark with anger.

"No, he will not go with you" I rolled my eyes and thought 'I can answer for myself'

"Woah calm down. I didn't know he was yours" I scoffed and threw Harry's arm off me.

"I'm not anyone's. I'm not his property" I said, I grabbed my glass, slam some money on the counter and stormed off.

"Louis" I hear Harry call from behind me, I quickly got in a cab and headed home. Harry was calling me non-stop. I eventually got home and placed my shoes at the door, I fell face first into the couch. Not even 30 minutes later Harry returned home obviously annoyed because of the door slam he just did. I lifted my head and see Harry standing over me.

"You gonna tell me what's been going on with you lately" He said pissed off, he has no right to be mad at me.

"You're talking about me! What about you! You've been putting me off for months. Do you know how I FEEL?! Rejected, hurt" I said with tears

"Louis-" He started, I waved my hand "no"

"NO, I WANT YOU TO LISTEN TO ME" I yelled at him

"I feel like your pulling away from me, no matter how close I try to be closer to you, to feel more connected with you. You reject me and come up with some shitty excuse. Do you not love me anymore!?" I fell to my knees and cried out everything I've been feeling these last few months. The pain. It hurt so bad. He tried to comfort me but I just pushed him away.

"Harry, who were you talking to on the phone the other day? And don't play stupid" I said through my hand which was covering my mouth.

"I was talking to my mom" he said, I rolled my eyes.

"Harry-" I started

"No, just hear me out" he sits down beside me and wraps me in his embrace. No matter how much I tried to push him away, I eventually gave up and buried my head in his chest. I smelt his expensive cologne mixed with cheap perfume from the party earlier but he still felt like home.

"I am sorry for ignoring you all these months, I wanted to show you how much I appreciated you and how much I love by planning a big surprised on valentine's day. You know how much I suck at keeping secrets but I wanted to keep this one so I stayed away. Obviously didn't work out so well" he chuckled at the last part.

"But who were you talking to?" I said with my face in his chest, he stroked my hair and said.

"it really was my mom, she wanted me to tell you because she know how you get. Should've listened to her, I put you through so much pain and I'm sorry for that. I'll spend the rest of eternity making sure I make it up to you" I turned my head and looked up at him.

"I'm sorry I doubted you" I said sincerely, I shouldn't have jumped to so many conclusions and let my insecurity get in the way of our relationship.

"And I'm sorry too, another thing" he said, he pulled me away, took my hands and stood us up. He got down on one knee, I stared at him in shock as tears rolled down the sides of my face.

"Will you do the honor of making me the happiest man on Earth. And I will promise to love and cherish you for however long we live...Will you marry me Louis Tomlinson" I nodded.

"yes, yes, yes" I threw my arms around his neck and cried. I'll make sure to spend the rest of eternity making it up to you too.

A/N: This was honestly so cute. 

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