Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart

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For Lilycooke17


Louis Tomlinson, the best friend that anybody could ever want. Louis' been there for me for everything but now my stupid feelings is getting in the way. Louis' straight he wouldnt just up and leave Eleanor the girl he's been with for 3 years. I tried to hide my feelings from Louis like the jealousy and the fondness everytime he does something ridiculous.

But Louis would never return my feelings. I sat down on my bed and took out my song book from under the bed. This book contains all my feelings for Louis in song. Nobody can find out about not even Louis.


It took me hours to finish the song. I wiped my tears away, the last song I'll write for Louis. I'm a fool. I hid my book and invited Louis over. I go downstairs and take out some snacks. The door opened with Louis bursting through.

"Hey hazza" He sits on the couch with a frown which made me frown. I sat down next him he puts his head on my shoulder. I tried to control my nervous shaking.

"What's wrong?" I asked he sighed

"Me and Eleanor broke up" He said I tried to hide the joyful smile of the thought them not together anymore. I shook my head no I'm sure Louis very still has feelings for Eleanor.

"Do you still love her?" I asked

"I love her as a friend. I feel bad for hurting her feelings and yall but it just wasn't a spark I was looking for the whole time we was together" I nodded.

"Maybe some movies would help" I said getting up to get some movies which I find out they're not there. I turned around to Louis and remembered I put them in my room.

"Louis can you be a darling and get the movies from my room" I put on a charming smile that he couldn't resist.

"Fine, where are they?" He huffed getting up from the couch heading to the staircase.

"By my nightstand, thank you"

"Yea, yea"


I walked into Harry's room and walked over to the nightstand. I tried picking up all the movies at once but they all dropped on the floor. I rolled my eyes and got down to pick up the books. I look under the bed and see a thick brown book. I grab the book and sat down on Harry's bed. I know I shouldn't be looking at Harry's diary. But we basically tell each other everything. I'm sure anything that's in here I already know.

I opened the book to see pages of lyrics. I stopped a page and began reading.

I don't ever ask you where you've been
And I don't feel the need to
Know who you're with
I can't even think straight but I can tell
You were just with her
And I'll still be a fool, I'm a fool for you

Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for

I don't ever tell you how I really feel
'Cause I can't find the words to say what I mean
And nothing's ever easy
That's what they say
I know I'm not your only
But I'll still be a fool
'Cause I'm a fool for you

Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for

I know I'm not, you're only
But at least I'm one
I heard a little love is better than none

Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for

Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for

I love you Lou -H

I wiped the tears that were streaming down my face. I mean I always had feelings for Harry. I just never wanted to except it. I walked downstairs to see Harry in the kitchen. He turned around fear flash through his eyes.


I see Louis wouldn't the my song book. The book I didnt want him to find. Oh no he hates me now. I sniffled.

"You hate me do you? I understand if you're disgusted by it" I said through my tears. He walks over to me a raise his hand I flinched thinking of the worst. But he just wiped my tears away.

"I could never hate haz. It was a beautiful song" He said I looked up at him.

"You deserve much better than me" He looked down.

"Dont say that. I've loved you since I was 16. You're everything that I want" I looked down. why did I say? That now he's gonna get weirded out.

"I always had feelings for you ya know" I looked up in shock he returns my feelings. I gave him a dimpled smile. He smiled at me and poked my dimple.

"I love you" I mumbled He smiled at me before giving me a quick peck. The best kiss I every had. Well I cant say that since Louis is my first.

"I love you too" He said I jumped in arms excitedly. The man I have for so long has returned my feelings. Holy shit.

A/N: Not my best work if we're being honest😂😫

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