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A/N: *PLEASE READ* I talked about this on mu community page but guys Louis has finally left Syco!!! i am absolutely proud of him for his decision. Louis now can get some decent promo and he can release the music he wants without fighting over it. Now i saw some people trying to make this into a larry moment *sigh* this isnt about larry this is about Louis has a SOLO artist. Some larries need to separate Louis from Larry. Some times I think some larries forget that Louis is his OWN person. He isnt Louis who might be in a relationship with Harry styles but he's Louis Tomlinson a successful musician, an amazing song writer who has amazing fans, and has a best selling album on cd and cassette. Louis is much more than just his relationships, anyways congratulations to Louis, we love you💙🎉

Third Person

"Alright guys I got to go" the boys groaned as Louis stands up to leave.

"Can you stay a little longer" Niall whines, Louis smiles and spats Niall's cheek and shakes his head 'no'

"I have to get back to Harry, he must be worried sick" They nodded and said goodbye

Louis walks out the bar immediately flashed by paparazzi, He struggled to get past holding onto the arm of his bodyguard.

"Louis is the band breaking up?"

"Do you agree that you're the worst member of the band?"

"Are you and Eleanor thinking about marriage?"

That hurt! Louis knew he wasn't people's favorite or that he didn't deserve to be in the band. Even the boys and Harry reassures that he is important just like the rest of them, he still feels the insecurity. It's also kind of funny to him that people actually believe his relationship with Eleanor...'What couple stands 3 feet apart while in public?' louis thinks.

Louis is ushered into a car, Louis sighs in relief looking outside his window and was greeted by flash of camera. That soon went away when the car pulled off leaving the scene, Louis gets home and gets out the car. He walks in the house expecting to see Harry sitting on the couch, he hears distance cries coming from their bedroom.

Louis hangs his coat up and takes off his shoes...Harry's rules not his! Louis walks into their room and the site that he sees broke his heart. Harry sat there on the bed with red teary eyes, his cheeks were flushed as he clutched onto his pillow, the computer was open and was sitting at the foot of the bed. Louis walks over to him and whips his tears away with the pad of his thumb, but old tears were replaced with new ones.

"What's wrong Sweetheart?" he asks worriedly running his fingers through Harry's curls.

"Nothing" he shakes his head as tears fell from his eyes. Louis frowns at him and grabs the computer, Harry grabs his arm to stop him. Louis looks down at his hand and looks at the computer anyways, it was some bullshit article talking about all the flings he's been with.

"Harry, I told you not to look at this type of stuff" he said rubbing his forehead. Harry sobs and held his pillow tighter to his chest.

"I know, I know. But I was getting so many tags from fans linking this article, Louis they said they wont be supporting me anymore because I've became a man whore." Louis pulls Harry into his lap causing Harry to straddle him, Harry rest his head on Louis' shoulder taking in his scent to calm him down.

"Harry we and your real fans know you're not like that, you couldn't hurt a fly and you have so much respect for women. And if these fans are gonna believe a shitty ass article changing there views on you, well it's their loss that they are missing out on a great person" He said rubbing Harry back gently, he pulls Harry back to look at him.

He looked like a mess but he was beautiful, he was his beautiful mess.

"The same thing for you" Louis looks at him confused at what Harry was talking about.

"I know that it hurts you when fans say they don't like you, that you shouldn't be apart of the band, or just saying your mean. But none of those things are true...Louis, you have impacted my life so much. Made it better even, you taught me the meaning of love. You love your fans and the people who say you're mean they did take the time to get to know the real you. You are important like the rest of us, what is one direction without Louis Tomlinson? It would be boring!" Louis eyes beings to tear up.

"Damn it Harry! Why did you have to make me cry" Harry chuckled and leans forward to kiss him. Putting in all of his love, Louis and Harry has there ups and downs but as long as they are together who care about other's opinion, they're half heart without the other.

"We should watch a movie" Louis suggested switching their position to laying on his back. Harry smirks and begins to give Louis small kisses down his neck.

"Or we could do something else" he said slyly, Louis smirks and flips them over. Harry laughs and looks up at Louis blue eyes...beautiful.

A/N: I hoped you guys enjoyed the one shot, i got inspiration from a video on how the media portray Harry vs how he actually is. But I also wanted to talk about Louis because people think he's this mean person when he isn't. Harry isn't a womanizer and Louis isn't a mean person...some people just can't handle the sass🤪. IF YOU GUYS HAVE ANY IDEAS PLEASE TELL ME. Make sure to comment, vote, and follow...I would literally stomp on your cat if you don't. just kidding! I'm acting mad goofy today. Love you guys💙💚

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