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Summary: Louis meets Harry while golfing with Niall...of course he was forced to go

Louis pov

I groaned in annoyance as Niall asked once again for me to go golfing with him, he knows I don't know anything about golf and I sure has hell suck at playing it. I went to play golf with Niall before, hoping to see any cute guys, but know there just old men in there 30s or 40s. I beginning to think Niall just want's me to go so he can laugh at my bad skills...Or maybe he's lonely? Nah!

"Come on Louis please! I got to your Harry Styles concerts even though his music isn't my taste...please just come with me" Niall pleaded, showing me his big blue eyes that I couldn't resist. I sighed, Niall cheers knowing that I caved.

"Okay, I laid your clothes out on the bed" He kissed my cheek and head off, I shook my head in fondness. Me and Niall are very close, we've been friends since diapers. My friendship with Niall was my greatest achievement, he never allowed me to push him away even how much I wanted to. After my mum passed, he's really been my rock, doing everything in his power to make him happy even though he has a relationship of his own.

I went up stairs and went into my bedroom, in my bedroom there were tons of Harry Styles posters. Harry and his music has gotten me through so much pain it's unbelievable, sometimes I don't think Niall understands how much Harry means to me. I thought of doing a lot of harmful things to myself but never went through to them, because just seeing his face and seeing that beautiful smile made my day just a little bit better. I scoffed to myself, fawning over a man who doesn't even know I exist.

"Louis! What's taking you so long?" I heard Niall whine loudly from downstairs, I rolled my eyes at how impatient he is.

"Hold on" I quickly put on my clothes and brush my teeth, I hurried downstairs to see him at the bottom with an extra golfing equipment. I smiled at him taking the equipment that felt so heavy, sometimes I wish I had more strength, we left out the house and locked the door behind us, we got into the car and headed off to the nearby golf court.

We soon made it to the golf court, it was huge and you can see a bunch of old men on their gold courts. We set up our stuff and got to golfing, 'god I am so bad at this' I thought to myself, I watched as Niall laugh at every bad hit. Niall thought my failure was hilarious, I knew he just took me out here so he can laugh at me, Niall has played alone. I rolled my eyes and soon felt the urge to use the bathroom.

"Niall I'll be right back I'm going to go find a bathroom" I told him before stalking off. It took me 4 minutes to find the bathroom, I went to use my business but soon water or pee get onto my leg, we both quickly but our pants up and washed our hands, the man freezes up and lets out a soft.

"Oops" I looked at him seeing that he looked familiar but also kind of cute.

"Hi" I responded, he turns towards me and I feel like it went into literal shock. Harry Styles...Thee Harry Styles standing right before my eyes, up close and not on stage or in digital but really right here in front of my face. I feel the urge to cry because I always wanted to tell how much he inspired me and how he helped me through the hard times in my life. My breath shortens.

"Hey, hey, hey. Are you okay?" he said urgently, I shook my head and begin to cry. He pulls me to his chest, 'god it was so warm' I thought. Being in Harry arms made me feel safe as if the outside world can't hurt me as long as he's here.

"I just love you soo much, I'm sure you here this from your fans all the time. I just wanted to tell you how much you've helped me, after my mum died. Life just haven't been the same, I lost my best friend, someone who's always been there. I wish it were me instead ya know, she was such an amazing and beautiful human being and she didn't deserve to leave this earth...but she's not suffering anymore. I wanted to do bad things, really bad things to myself. But you helped me through it and to keep moving through made me want to stay" I said through my sobs (A/N: Guys I deadass cried while writing this)

"I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, and I'm happy you didn't do the things you wanted to do. We have bumps in the road, that's the part of life. But always remember that it gets better" He said, I sniffed loudly hearing him say that means a lot. I froze as the pad of his thumbs whipped away my tears.

"Are you here with someone?" he asked, I nodded and said "Yea, I'm here with my best friend"

"I'll join you" I have him a look that said 'really' not a bad one but a shocked one. Harry Styles wants to hang out with us, this has to be the best day of my life.

"What's your name by the way?"


"Well I'm Harry" I laughed because I already knew who he was, yet he felt the need to still introduce himself as his he's not Harry Styles. That's one of things I loved about him, he's been in the media since he was 16, but he's never changed and was still the adorable man he was years ago. He stayed humbled, if only other celebrities were like that, but no one is like Harry Styles...he's to precious.

Harry wrapped his arm around me and led us out the bathroom, we went over to Harry's spot as he gathered his things before walking over to our area.

"Louis is that Harry styles? That is Harry Styles!" Niall said in shock as Harry and I walked over to him

"Hello, I'm Harry" he said extending his hand for a shake which Niall took as he introduced himself.

"Lou, where did you find him?" he whispered to me as Harry began to set up his things.

"In the bathroom, he made a mistake and peed on me" Niall bursts out laughing, Harry looks over at and gave us a smile which we returned of course. This time in golfing I wasn't absolute shit since Harry had helped me out, I wanted to act normal around him, he's just a normal human like the rest of us but he can sing and made a successful career out of it.

We soon grew tired and decided to pack up and leave, I didn't want this to be the last time I see Harry so I went over to him. My heart beating fast, what if he says no? Harry isn't like that. I bumped into a hard chest almost falling but was caught by Harry before hitting the ground.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for tea some time?" I smiled; did he just ask me out? I nodded quickly before saying yes, I smiled bigger when Harry gave me his dimpled smile.

That moment was nearly 5 years ago and Harry and I are still together, I never thought I'll meet my soulmate and him just so happen to be Harry. After that event Harry brought even more joy to my life by asking me to be his boyfriend, me having my first time with him. He made sure that I was okay the whole time and made sure to make it special. He made me feel loved, cherished, appreciated, and wanted. We've been married for 2 years now and are now looking into adopting, I guess miracles do happen.

A/N: This probably has to be my favorite oneshot! I heard that Zayn's song got leaked and his management team aren't doing anything about it. Zayn deserves better. I literally cried while writing it was just so cute and sad at the same time. Make sure to comment and vote i'd greatly appreciate it💙💚 

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