The Hate

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Summary: Harry addressing the hate Louis get's from his fans (not all of course) 
A/N: i'm sorry this is going to be short...

Harry Pov

Louis was depressed, I could tell. He's not eating, doesn't want to get out of bed, not interested in doing in anything. I think the hate he's getting his piling up on him, I've seen the hate my fans do, and as much as I want to say something Louis never allows me because we're not supposed to be interacting. I thought my fans will get the message of my tpwk song, sadly only some of them did.

It's hard to see the love of your life suffering in silence, putting on a fake smile saying he's fine. But your not fine 'baby, when will you let me help you' I thought. I walked into our bedroom seeing Louis figure under the cover in a fatal position, I heard muffling cries. I give him a worried expression and hurries over to him pulling him in my arms.

He pulls the cover off him and turns towards me burying his head in my chest letting out a sob, I hold him tighter as he cries his heart out. I knew the hate finally got to him, the walls he put up finally crumpled down showing me how he really felt.

"Harry, I'm so tired of being stuff...They can hate on me but why did they have to bring mum and fizzy into this" I gave him shocked looked; they brought his relatives into this (Rest in peace angels). I was pissed, they've gone to far...I heard they've done other things which were completely fucked up. It's sad because not all of my fans are like that, but people sees the hate more than they see the good, and in this case the bad is drowning out the good.

"It's okay baby, I'm going to fix this" I shushed him while rubbing his back gently. I turned on my back pulling Louis onto my chest, I pulled out my phone and went on twitter and tweeted

It's hard to see the love of your life in tears because of the hate he gets from your own fans

I kindly ask people in my fans to stop spreading negativity and spread love instead, what

guys are doing is completely unacceptable. You should recommend other to kill

themselves, talk about people of with disabilities, etc but also talk about the hate you send

my Louis every day. Louis is broken because of your actions; this doesn't apply to all...but

if this does apply to you, please reevaluate yourself. All the love -H

the tweet blew up crazy, not only did I out both me and Louis. News sites are appearing talking about my relationship with Lou and me defending him. I see a lot of my fans agreeing to what I said but I also see some others 'unstanning' who cares as long as my baby isn't getting hurt, I'm fine.

I looked down and see Louis has fallen asleep, Louis deserves the world. I wish others see the same thing, louis is absolutely gorgeous, and he is none of those things people call him. Louis shines bright, Louis is and will always be the light in my darkness. How can someone hate Louis? He's an absolute dream, everything about him.

"You Louis Tomlinson-Styles is magnificent" 

A/N: It's so hard to see toxic harries bully Louis on a daily basis. We shouldn't bully other period, and of course it's not all of the harries. I'm positive the nice harries are amazing people. But people see the bad more than they see the good, spreading hate is not okay any shape or form. Louis deserves better and harry deserves better fans. I'm also tired of seeing them saying Louis is a flop, Louis is making music that makes him happy. He doesn't want to be on the radio and like Harry said "if your happy doing what you're doing, then nobody can tell you you're not successful". I think these toxic harries need to take Harry's advice and treat people with kindness. He didnt write a song about kindness for nothing...

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