The MTV Video Music Awards

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A/N: I'm baaaack😂😝
Credit: By untiltheyfindtheperfectgirl on Ao3
Louis let out a large yawn as he collapsed in the open seat next to Harry in the black SUV. The door slammed behind him, as he was the last one to climb into the vehicle, and he relaxed into Harry's side, head rested on the taller boy's shoulder as a protective arm wrapped around his body. Louis let out a contented sigh and closed his eyes as the car began to pull away from their New York hotel

"Tired, Lou?" Harry asked softly.

Louis' only response was a quite hum and a characteristic nuzzling of his cheek against Harry's bicep, which could have been perceived as a small nod to an outsider. Harry smiled, kissing the top of Louis' head as the other three boys rattled on about their excitement for the night to come. Today was the 2013 MTV Music Video Awards, the boys' second VMA event during their time as a group. Collectively, One Direction was excited, but not quite as much as they had been last year when they had hosted the show. This time around they had a much smaller role in the event and their movie premiere earlier in the week was pretty hard to top. It had been their first personal worldwide major motion picture premiere. Harry couldn't believe this was actually the life he lived.

As the SUV pulled up at a secluded door Harry gently woke Louis, who had nodded off not long after climbing into the car, and they all piled out into the empty street and followed a girl with a headset who would take them to prepare for their red carpet appearance.

"You good, babe?" Harry asked sweetly as he watched Louis rub his tired eyes and stare into space. Louis looked up at his boyfriend and smiled embarrassedly.

"M'fine," Louis mumbled. Harry moved closer to his shorter boyfriend and tried to smooth a bit of Louis' hair that had gone askew from his short nap during the car ride over. "Just been a bit tired lately," Louis explained, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck and hiding his face there, only to ruin his hair once again.

"One Direction in 2, please!"

Louis begrudingly extracted himself from the curly haired boy in front of him, following Liam out to take their place on the red carpet. The boys stood at the beginning of the carpet waiting for the interviewer to make her way towards them. Louis sighed as they were handed microphones and he waited for the interviewer to be squeezed between him and Harry as usual. He was pleasantly surprised though, when Harry specifically shuffled towards Louis in order to make room for the woman between himself and Niall. Louis smiled happily at the ground and the countdown began as they waited for their live interview. Louis was grateful the interview lasted less than a minute, chiming in only when he felt with his silly comments necessary, while Harry took the serious interviewing lead for the night.

From there on the night became a blur and the boys were being rushed down the red carpet, directed to stand here, move there, smile now, and squeeze in closer together. After the red carpet mayhem the boys of One Direction found themselves in the Barclays Centre being briefed on their award presentation, which would be the first of the night. Louis barely listened and instead focused his attention on making Harry and Niall laugh as he mocked the serious producer in front of them.

"Got it then boys?"

"Definitely," Louis responded in a mock-serious tone making the red faced Harry accidentally snort aloud after holding in his laughter for the last 5 minutes.

The producer sighed and stalked off to do something else, causing Paul to take over scolding Louis for being a bugger, as well as give the whole group a small pep talk. Louis muttered comments, as usual, to Harry the entire time causing the couple to become extremely distracted

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