Secret fan page

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My biggest secret, that nobody knows not even Louis. I don't want him to think I'm weird that I run a big Larry fan page that has 100k followers. I would post pictures of us some wonder where I get these pics and they think Niall runs the account (even tho he has an account himself). Some think its really good photoshop. I sat my phone after posting a pic of Louis attempting to cook. I stand in the doorframe in the kitchen watching Louis burn the pancakes. I chuckled he can't cook to save his life... except for his famous dish... Chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in Parma ham with a side of homemade mash.

"Harry, I know you find this funny" He turned to me I laughed.

"I do find this funny. I tried to help you never listen" He pouted I walked over to him giving his face a soft pat.

"Can you just do it" He whined.

"Fine but can you get my phone for me" He nodded then walked to the living room, I walked over to the cabinets pulling out a new pan putting it on the stove. I put the batter in the pot.

"Hazza" Louis came back with a shit eating grin on his face. He holds up my phone showing my biggest secret. I gasped walking over to get my phone put he kept putting it out of reach going through all my post.

"Haz you have a fan account about us" He said in between his laughs I blushed in embarrassment.

"Louis give me my phone back" I followed after him

"Is this a picture of me sleeping" He continues to laugh going through the posts. I sat down at the island hurt that he thinks its funny not seeing how embarrassed I felt. My eyes began to sting for holding back my tears but eventually they came.

"Harry" Louis said in soft voice pulling me into a hug I cried into his chest why I'm I so sensitive?

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"Harry" Louis said in soft voice pulling me into a hug I cried into his chest why I'm I so sensitive?

"No don't cry I didn't mean to hurt. your feelings love" I didn't respond but continue to cry. He lifts me up whipping my tears away.

"There's nothing wrong with making a fan account about us" He assured me as he strokes my curls

"It didn't seem that way... you were laughing" I pointed out to him he looks down in shame before lifting his head up.

"I think its really cute that you run an account about"

"Really?" I said somewhat timidly He nodded

"Yes, now let's take a picture" He pulls up the camera and took a selfie of us. I looked at the photo us you can tell I have been crying.

"I look a mess" I said. Louis looks at me "You look beautiful even when crying" He then posted the picture and sits the phone down. I stayed there in lap.

"Louis the foods burning!" 

A/N: I had secondhand embarrassment writing this
Ps make sure to vote😘

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