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When I finished my sandwich I thanked Molly and walked outside, wanting to take a note on the security and surroundings for my escape plans.

I walk past the training area and ignore the people there, keeping my head down, I pass the and was about to head to the west border when I was tackled to the ground.

I scream and struggle, not able to look at the person who attacked me. They press their hand on the back of my head, pressing my face against the dirt.

"Shut up rogue! The teen hissed.

I open my mouth to correct him but I tightens his hold and smashes my face in the dirt "What did I just say!

I struggle and manage to flip him off of me. I spit out the dirt and grit in my mouth and take off running, in the trees. I run down a slope and suddenly feel myself falling. I roll for about 2 minutes before smacking my head against a tree, causing the side of my head to crack and trickle blood.

I groan and struggle to try to stand up but the guy straddles me and forces my hands to the side of head. I struggle but deep inside I know I'm not gonna win because he is a werewolf and I'm a puny human.

He sticks his face next to my ear and whispers "Funny how such a beautiful, innocent girl such as yourself is a rogue".

"I'm not a rogue! I spit out glaring at him.

"Oh yeah, if you were trying to escape you made a bad job of it because you had run straight into an area with all the warriors".

I spit in his face and he slowly but angrily wipes his face. Before I know what's happening I'm flying through the air into a tree.

I groan in pain and the next thing I know he had his hand around my neck "Baby, don't groan yet, wait till i the good part".

I scream and squirm and he forces his lips on my neck and up to my jaw. He tries to force his hands under my hoodie, trying to pull it off along with my shirt.

I surprise him and shoot my knee up with abnormal speed and strength and knee him where the sun don't shine, causing him to scream and crash to the floor holding his boys, crying in pain.

I stand up and brush myself off. Before I run off I stop and smirk evilly at him "Pussy". I sprint to the training area where I'm taken down by more male bodies.

I groan "Why does this keep HAPPENING!!!

"What is your business rogue! One of the guys on top of me orders.

Frustrated and angry I stand up, knocking the seven guys off of me with ease as I turn bright red and scream "Why do you keep thinking im a rogue, take a sniff and you'll see I'm human!!!!

They lean forward and sniff, their eyes wrinkling in confusion "You smell like a wolf? One says.

I look down at myself but before I could snap at them again Alphas voice is heard behind me.

"Why is one of my best warriors in the pack hospital crying about how a girl with brown hair beat him up?

I sigh and turn "Well if you had asked for the whole story he would have told you he attacked me, threw me into a tree and tried to rape me" I say ticking off my fingers.

"You didnt... Wait What!!! He roars.

The other warriors flinch and slowly back away as I sigh again and try to walk away, not wanting any more drama but he has other ideas and grabs my wrist in a tight grip.

I wince and he leads me roughly to the direction of the pack house grumbling "I swear if this is one of your games..."

He doesn't need to finish as I know the punishment would be severe. I gulp and hope to God that the guy tells the truth even though I know it will be unlikely.

In what seemed like minutes we were at the pack hospital. "Come on" Alpha Troy says pulling me inside.

We walk up to the nurse who is on the phone. When she sees us she immediately hangs up and rolls her chair towards us.

"Can i help you? She asks cheerily.

"Ahh yes, could you please tell me where Raf is kept?

"I'm sorry but Raf is currently in surgery".

Alphas eyebrows crinkle "What?

The nurse nods "Yeah, his... area was too damaged to save".

Alphas rubs his hand down his face "Ok, can you come get us when he's done?

The nurse nods and answers another phone call.


The nurse pokes her head around the waiting room door "He is back Alpha".

A few minutes later we are in Rafs room and Alpha Troy is interrogating him.

"Did you try to rape her! Alpha shouts for at least the fifth time and the answer was the same as the last.

"What no! Why would I? I was training and saw her walking. I tried to ask her why she was walking through she attacked me!

Alpha runs a hand through his hair and says "Ok, Casey can you step outside".

My jaw drops open "B-but-".

"Casey! Now! Alpha Troy orders, using his alpha tone. He turns around and I see his eyes are pitch black with anger.

I storm out and slam the door, gripping my hair in tufts. This punishment is gonna be sooo bad, he won't ever believe me, no matter What!
I'm interuppted by a thud and Alphas harsh talking "If you EVER touch her again" another thud "I will KILL you!

Another loud thud is followed before he walks out, his eyes still pitch black. I look inside as he walks out and see a bloody Raf on the floor, unconscious.

I stand there frozen in shock until Alpha shuts the door and drags me put of the pack hospital and to the pack house.

We stop outside and Alpha Troy says, not looking at me "I'll be in my office, only come in if in emergencies though".

I walk inside once Alpha had gone and ran to my room, looking for something. I rummage around till I found my razor.

I ran to the bathroom and used the only way I knew for release. I slice 4 deep cuts into my wrist and lay there breathing heavily.

I sigh in relief as I feel my frustration seep out of me along with my blood. You see, I haven't been beaten in a while so I'm not used to it. I physically need to hurt myself.

Suddenly i hear my bedroom door splintering as it slams open, whacking the wall as heavy footsteps are heard running through into the bathroom.


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