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I slump in my seat and avoid eye contact with everyone while staring intently of my cup of half drunk coffee like it was the most satisfying thing in the world.

I feel Troy nudge beside and I look up to meet his questioning look. I shake my head slightly and look back down.

I feel Troys gaze burn into the side of my face, causing me to sink lower in my seat. I look up as the hairs on the back of my neck rise and spot Derek across the table, staring at me.

I give him a pointed look and he averts his gaze, I roll my eyes and take a long gulp of my growing cold coffee. Soon there were only a few dregs left so I down them and jump up with a fake smile plastered on my face.

I clasp my hands together and say the excuse that had taken me a while to come up with "I'm just going to go up to my room to get a jumper, it's getting pretty chilly" then I make my escape.

I reach my room and sink on the bed, sighing.

Great, now the person who hates me the most is now officially apart of my friend group... terrific!

I sigh again and grumble when the door opens. I pull a pillow over my face and hug it there, contemplating life.

The bed dips next to me, showing that someone had sat on the edge of the bed and the pillow is pulled my grip no matter how hard I pulled on it.

I pout and spot Troy smirking at me. I quickly snatch the pillow from his grasp and hug It, still pouting "What?

He squeezes in next to me, putting his hands behind his head. He stares at the ceiling while shaking his head "I felt that there was something wrong?

I shake my head and lie "Nope, nothing's wrong" I start twirling a strand of hair around my finger with Troy staring at me while I was doing it.

I stop when he laughs and look at him "What!?

He looks at me still chuckling, then he gestures to my hair "You do that when you lie".

I eye him in confusion "huh?

He sighs exasperated and gestures more violently to my hair and starts to talk ten times more slower "you twirl your hair between you finger when you lie, what's up?

I fold my arms as best as I could against the pillow and grumble "alright I'm not stupid".

" your avoiding the question" he points out and I sigh dramatically

"I don't know, I don't like that Derek guy at all and I know he hates my guts. I just get bad vibes from him".

He nods in understanding then grimaced "did he hurt you? He asks, his eyes trailing over my exposed skin.

I tense "n-no".

He sits up and growls "then how do you explain the dark fingerprint bruises on you neck and arms!

I shoot up and touch my neck stammering "i-i fell".

He raises his eyebrows in a pointed way, his eyes changing to a pitch black and I gulp.

"We just had a disagreement"

"Just!!! He roars, causing me to flinch.

His lays a hand on my shaking arm "hey, look at me" he says and when I realise I had my eyes shut I open them and peek at him under my eyelashes.

His eyes softened but still stayed black "I will never hurt you, you know that right?

I swallow and then nod "y-yeah, i know" then I joke to lighten the mood "I'd kick your alpha butt if you did"

He titters and then looks at me with serious eyes "you know I'm gonna make him pay the next time I see him right?

I sigh and flop back into bed "Yeah whatever, I won't be able to stop you anyway".

He nods and leaves. Just before he closes the door I call his name. He looks back "Just don't make a scene okay, if you did he'd hate me more".

He tenses and nods stiffly before walking out and shutting the door. But not before bringing in a sulky looking Coco.

When I spot him my mood lifts and I pat the space beside me for him to jump up. He jumps up and I stroke and coo at him.

When he didn't lick me like he noramlly did I look at him in concern "what's up boy?

He looks at me with puppy eyes but starts to lick me, as if noticing my concern. I giggle when it tickles and rub his ears "thata boy".

After half an hour of stroking Coco there was a knock at the door. Coco jumps up, hair bristling on end with his lips pulled back in a snarl.

I frown and him and try to soothe him but he just stands there, unmoving and rigid. I look over at the door "Come in".

I stand up when I saw who it was that strode in the room "What the hell are you doing in here!

Derek ignores the question and instead he takes long strides towards me and punches me so hard I fly into the opposite wall with a loud CRASH! The next few minutes where a blur.

Coco started barking but it was cut off with a yelp. I try to shake away the stars in my vision to check on him.

When It finally cleared Derek leans down and grabs me roughly by my neck and slams me into to wall, lifting me up so my feet weren't touching the ground.

I clasp onto his arms to try to pull them off me but his grip was like iron "you ran to your mate about me! He roars and throws me like a rag doll across the room and I come crashing down on the floor.

Derek strides over to my groaning body on the floor and grabs my shoulders, lifting me up again. My vision blurs but I could make out the shape of a limp Coco in the corner of the room, causing my heart to constrict. Was he dead?

"C-coco" I gargle out and Derek grins evilly.

He whispers in my ear "You can't do anything to protect him, your just a stupid human who's too weak to fight her way out a paper bag! Your an outsider, someone who's just there, the person who no one gives a damn about!

I feel tears of rage burn up my vision but before I could hit him he whispers in a cold voice his eyes a bright red colour "best get rid of you quickly, I don't care what she says!

Then he shoves me, right at the window. It all happened in slow motion, the glass smashed and I go tumbling down 4 stories. Before I hit the ground I looked up at Derek and was shocked to see blood red hateful eyes but then with one shake of his head his eyes back to their normal colour and when he spots me he shouts out.


Then all went black.

The end

kidding, I bet that scared y'all a bit.

I wanna say thank you to ifrithofdark who's words made me write this chapter.

I feel like poop right now and am really tired but I converted that into writing energy and managed to complete this chapter. I'm gonna publish this before I collapse now

Before i go just remember...

I love y'all so much and keep reading!😗❤

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