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"HE DID WHAT!!!!!?????

im currently squeezing the life out Hannahs pillow after i spilled my guts to them. Now Hannah was threatening to neuter Troy and Molly was quietly raging.

"So he marked you without your permission? Molly tries to ask calmly.

I nod and stuff my head back into the pillow on my knees.

"Right" Molly stands up "im going to talk to him".

I immedietely stand up with her and plead her with my eyes "please dont".

She sighs "fine, but so you know, next time i see him im gonna slap him".

I nod just to get her to sit down again and she sighs again before doing as i asked. Hannah was still abnormally quiet so i ask her "whats on your mind?

Her eyes snap to me as if id just interrupted a deep thought "hmm?

"Whats on your mind? I repeat and she shrugs "i dont know".

I stand up and sit down next to her "wanna try again?

She half-heartedly chuckles and then her face turns serious and she bites her lip "well... when i find my mate im worried he might force me to mate with him, or might force mark me like Troy did with you... i-im just not ready and hope he will respect that" she blinks back obvious tears and i put a comforting arm around her "hey, hey look at me" she meets my gaze with vulnerable eyes and i stare into them while saying the next thing "i promise you that your mate will love you and respect your choice".

"But how do you know that?!

I rest my forehead against hers "I just know okay, ive got a good feeling".

She visibly relaxes and gives me a relieved hug.

"Thank you"

I nod and mutter into her shoulder "well if you want more of my great advice id advise you to let me go now before i pop".

She pulls back giggling, her old self "yeah, sorry"

I giggle with her and look at Molly whis currently hanging off the side of the bed, upside down.

Me and Hannah copy her position and we stay like that for a while  before Molly fills the silence "his wolf might've gone out of control".

We bith look at her "huh?

She sits up and we, once again, copy her. She runs a hand through her hair and she sighs "well, when a wolf goes without his or her mate for a long period of time the more harder it is to control your wolf, with an alpha its worse to control".

"So is that why i felt extremely drawn to him, like a pull?

"Exactly like that! Molly exclaims and then says quickly, as if her mouth couldnt catch up with her thoughts "so imagine the pull you had 5 times worse, it would physically hurt for him and his wolf! What colour were his eyes?

I stutter for a second before remembering "uh, they were fully black".

"Thats his wolfs eye colour, which means his wolf pushed through and took control of his body and when he marked you did he look shocked or...?

"He looked shocked and guilty, he also had regret"

"So that settles it!!! His wolf took over his body and marked Casey!!!

"Wait" hannah holds up a hand "we should still be angry, he marked her for gods sake!!!!

Molly frowns "i know, i was just coming up with a conclusion for his behaviour, Troy would never intentionally hirt you Casey" she turns to me "he loves you".

Im taken aback by her statement "wait what?! How do you know he loves me??? He hates me!!!

Molly and Hannah share a knowing smile.


Hannah turns to me "everyone knows he does, the way he looks at you, its like your the only person in the room. Whdn you smile he smiles with you and it generslly makes him happy when your happy, its so cute. Even when he was mad at you, he was terrified when you collapsed. He glares at any guy who even dares to look at you"

I blink, trying to process the overload of information that was just dumped on me, it felt like ice water.

"But that doesnt cancel out that hes still the biggest jerk on this planet".

I smile at that and give my besties one last thank you hug before i walk out of the room to gather my thoughts.

I stumble down the corridors, tiredness was weighing me down as each second passed by, ever since my adrenaline had worn off. So now i was going in any direction.

Finally i reach a familiar door and open it before climbing into my bed, not processing in my mind the hand wrapping around my waist, or the sparks the person touch me had, or the sigh of relief that the person made as we touched.

I yawned one last time before snuggling into the person. I then fell into the best sleep id had in a month.


Im going into S4 on Monday, getting my new time table then as well, cant wait to see my subjects.

I wonder if Thursday is still my worst day? 🤔

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