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"Girl, are you seriously sitting on a couch when there a war literally upon us?" Cass asks me from the opened living room doorway. As usual Ellie is by her side trying to act serious but failing because her soft features physically cannot get angry.

I sigh and slump my shoulders with a mixture of frustration and sadness "I know I'm being a crap Luna, but I can't help it, I can't go out there where everyone is training to fight a war that isn't their fight. There will obviously be casualties on our side and I won't be able to handle the guilt that its my fault, that their families will never see their loved one anymore because my evil dad doesnt love me- or whatever the reason is" I wave my hand, dismissing it because there were probably many reason why my dad wanted to start a war with me.

Cass comes towards the couch and sit cross legged on the end of it and grips my leg "Look. Casey, look at me" I look up at her with a conflicted expression "It will never be your fault, these people want to fight because this is their pack and you are family, and everyone knows you dont fucking mess with family" I giggle a bit at her curse word and her expression softens "Yes, there will be casualties, but they will not be on you, you are strong and if you fight well you will be known as a strong Luna that protected her pack when they needed them, so dont you dare feel guilty because your evil lame excuse of a dad wants to murder innocent people, because thats on him, not you".

I feel tears brim up and my nose stings with the sudden urge to cry, my vision blurs as I lean over to Cass and hug her as tightly as I can.

I sniff "Thanks Cass, you may not know it but that helped".

Cass pats my head and eases me off her to stand up "Well I meant every word, including the part where you have to fight, and you can't exactly fight when your sitting on your butt now can you?" She raises her eyebrow at me and I laugh.

I take her hand, stand up and try to pat down the creases in my clothes but sigh when I make no progress.

"Get dressed, we're going on a run" Ellie says from the doorway, I totally didnt forget she was there...

I look up at her "I thought no one could go into the forest?"

Ellie raises a brow at me - Cass style - and says "I thought you were the Luna of this pack and have powers?".

I blink "Oh yeah"

We all laugh and I go up to change into something lighter for the hot day and go out to meet Ellie and Cass outside and am surprised to see Hannah, Molly and Estelle with them as well.

"We ready to go then?" Hannah asks looking around at all of us and when we all nod we take off in a steady jog towards the forest edge where the four find a bush or tree to strip since if they change into their wolves now they will rip their clothes, which will make it difficult getting back to the pack house.

I hear the cracking of bones, signalling their shifts and out come four huge wolves: One black that looked blue, one different shades of red, one a pale peach, and one dark chestnut.

I recognise them as Cass, Hannah, Estelle and Molly. I nod at each of them and mentally call Coco and Kelty, who - after several minutes - come racing through the trees panting. I scratch Coco under the chin, giggling when he licks me affectionately and rub kelty's ears.

I then turn to the other who silently watch us with a mixture of awe and fascination. I smile and mindlink 'We going?

I get my answer when they all start yipping and jumping around, causing me to giggle.

'Race you to the lake' Molly shouts through the mindlink

'Your on' Cass answers and we take off through the trees, I watch as the others slowly disappear through the thickness of the trees but I didnt worry because I knew exactly where they were due to my fancy wolf radar ingrained in my brain. I sprint along, becoming one with the forest as I jump over logs and dodge through the trees.

"You guys can go ahead if you want" I breathlessly say to Kelty and Coco who were raring to go beside me.

They look unsure and I say "Go, Ill call you if there's trouble".

They take off through the trees and Kelty says in my brain 'Be careful'.

I slow to a walk to wipe he sweat glistening on my forehead and to breathe in the fresh crisp air of the forest.

I close my eyes so I could listen and smell everything in case this was the last time I would ever be in this beautiful forest. I chase away any bad or worried thoughts because this place seemed so sacred it did not allow them.

I breath in and catch the sweet scent of lavender flowers that speckled the ground in little clumps and the dry smell of dirt that hadn't been rained on in a couple of day. I listen to the steady titters of birds as they fly from tree to tree, collecting little twigs and leaves to build their nests with. I listen to the buzz of the bees greedily feasting on the flowers that scattered around the dry forest floor. I open my eyes to take in the scenery, rays of sunlight filter through the green canopy, penetrating through the leaves and casting a green-yellow effulgence over the ground that wavers as the trees rustle in the light whispers of wind. The crunching of dry leaves under my feet alert me so I cast my eyes to the floor and watch as I step on each individual leaf and dry twig, enjoying the snapping sounds that echo through the near silent forest. Gnarly roots dip into ground and twisted branches reach down, fingers grasping the air, as if reaching for me and I shiver, thinking of my father. I cast my eyes up to think of something else and instantly calm as another puff of breeze rustles the leaves on the trees and ground gently.

A faint rustling can be heard as small rodents scamper through the dry leaves and I could hear the soft clicks and calls of a small doe nearby. The trees are ancient, timeless as their roots disappear into the ground

I look ahead and notice the steady thinning of the old trees and run towards it, loving the feeling of the air in my air and clothes.

I spot what I think is light dancing on waters surface and sprint for it. Then I break through the trees, making it to the lake.

I apologise for not updating sooner, I got locked out of my Wattpad account, hope you can forgive me :*(

Anyway I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed writing the forest scene, I kept imagining what it felt like in the forest near my house so that helped a lot. Hope it makes up for the rubbish writing ive been doing lately... or not lately.

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