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I start to choke on my own breath and when I finally stop I manage to gasp "what!? Necromancy!

Cat nods

"You mean like" I gulp "bringing people out of the ground and stuff?

"Wolves and werewolves" cat confirms.

I scoff and and look up at the sky "thank you lord" I sarcastically say.

Cat steps forward slowly "it's not as bad as-"

"As it seems? I finish for her.

She sighs "Casey please jus-"

"Just what! I shout "Just bring someone back from the dead!?

She opens her mouth to speak but I interrupt, s "No! I won't! I-i won't, they are put at rest I can't just-"

Cat cuts me off "I'm not asking you to Casey" she says softly but firmly "I do not want you to do that, I'm only going to teach you how to, I'm not asking you to do it, it is only so you know you can do it so if you were in danger you would have an extra way out".

I take a few deep unsteady breaths until my pounding heart beat slows down enough for me to think.

I sigh "okay, I just- I just don't want to have that burden".

"I completely understand" cat nods "I wouldn't want to if i were your age, I would be totally against it".

"Good, you don't just ask someone you just met to raise the dead i-i-its complete madness!

Cat raises her hand and I stop my rant, breathing hard "Look, I think we should finish this up and you, Cass, Fraser and Ellie go take the morning away from lessons, do you want to do that? She asked me like she was bribing a two year old to not have a tantrum in the middle of a supermarket.

I take a deep breath and look behind me at the three who were nodding vigorously, eager to get away from lessons. I smile at them and a neutral look replaces it as I look back to Cat and nod "y-yeah, okay t-that will be okay i guess, look Cat, I'm so-" she waves me off and smiles "it's okay now go".

I turn to go when Cat quickly calls me back, the little energy counter in her hand. I brace myself for the sharp pain and wince as she presses the device on my skin, making a memory of my dad bubble to the surface of my brain

"I-im sorry p-p-please stop! I huddle on the corner as my father beats me with the hot end of a fire poker, making me shriek with ever whack.

"You. Stupid. *****" he screams with ever hit "You. Ever. Burn. My. Food. Again. You. Will. Get. A. Worse. Punishment!!!!

He stops and wipes a trickle of sweat from his head, he walks over to the fireplace and holds the end of the poker over the scolding hot flames, drawing a whimper from my helpless, bloodied, bruised body.

"Consider this, mercy" he stalks towards me, hot poker in hand, the end glowing a bright yellow.

I scramble back "n-no please-" I scream when he smacks me stomach down on the floor, muffling my desperate screams of agony as he presses the hot metal into the back of my neck.


I blink the vision and tears away, watching Cat's face as she reads the reading, barely managing to keep the shock from masking her face.

"Oh" was she said, looking like a goldfish.

She writes in her chart and when I try to look over her shoulder she hides it from my view, making me frown "well?

She blinks "it's..."


She meets my gaze "Your very powerful".

My frown deepens.

"What's her scores! Someone shouts and someone else shouts "yeah, tell us!

I look at Cat "yeah, tell us, you say you normally do".

Cat sighs "okay, I just didn't know if you wanted to-".

I sigh "please?

She snorts and reads out my results " Energy Before - 1874
Energy After - 1119
Summoning wolves - yes (strong)
Summoning werewolves - Yes (Strong)
Controlling wolves - Yes (Strong)
Controlling Werewolves - Yes (Strong)
Healing wolves/werewolves - Yes (slightly weak)
Bonding with one wolf - Yes (strong)
Reading werewolves minds - Yes (emotions - strong)
Reading wolves mind - yes (emotions- strong)
Understanding Greek - Yes (strong)
Necromancy (wolves/werewolves) - Yes"

There are a few gasps of shock, geez, that energy was high. Was that bad?

"Why is the energy so high? I look around and spot everyone gawping at me "is it bad?

"No" Cat shakes her head "The average is well below that, I've never seen a score this high before... your powers... they're incredible, people will see you as a threat" she locks gazes with me "a threat that people would want eliminating".

More gasps ring out and my stomach drops, can't i catch a break around here?

The floor spins and my vision slowly starts to fade, Oh, please don't faint please don't faint please don't fa-.

My legs crumble and I crumple to the floor, bashing my head painfully on the concrete floor, causing stars to spark my vision.

The last thing I hears before I blacked out was Cat shouting orders and strong hands on my body, lifting me up while other voices tell me I'm going to be all right and my last thought were

'Dang, whoever is carrying me has worked out'.

Then I fade into a gloomy abis.


Hi guys, today we all lost a brave woman. Helen McCrory was a great woman and she was one of the bravest. Us Harry Potter fans will miss her the most, please raise your wands for this incredible woman

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