Bet on a Chance // Sam & Danny

Start from the beginning

Danny rolled over onto his side to look at Sam. "Yeah."

"It was hot. Way hotter than I thought it would be. And so, yeah, I do want to try that stuff with you." Sam turned, glancing over his shoulder for a minute at a still-sleeping Jake. When he looked back, Danny couldn't see the softness of his eyes through the dark, but he heard the sincerity in his voice. "But not if you're not into it. I'm sorry."

"Are you that bored of the sex already, Sam?" Danny asked and, when he realized Sam couldn't see the playful smirk on his face, he reached over and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We haven't even had much time together in months--I figured you'd want some privacy."

Sam shoved him gently. "No. It's not that. I'm not bored."

Danny listened to Sam sigh again. He sat up as he unzipped his sleeping bag: "When I said 'later,' I meant it," he said, pulling himself out of the polyester and inching toward the tent entrance on his knees. "Just, you know, alone. Come on."

Sam's voice squeaked out from behind him: "Really?"

Danny chuckled and stepped out of the unzipped tent, holding it open for Sam to follow. "Yes." Once they were both on their feet, he wrapped one arm around Sam's slight shoulders as they walked to the cabin, Danny sparing a glance at Josh cocooned in his sleeping bag by the fire. "I wanna give you what you want, because I want it, too. But I just want it private. Just the two of us."

"I'll take it," Sam replied, tearing himself away for a moment, grabbing the bag of marshmallows from one of the deck chairs. He reached in and offered one to Danny, holding it up to his lips: "Maybe this will get you even more in the mood."

Danny bit into it, rearranging his arm around Sam, and proceeded to lead the way back to the cabin. Inside, it was dead silent, something Danny always appreciated. It seemed so seldom that he got to experience utter quiet these days, whether it be quiet in his mind or quiet in his environment. So much had changed over the past few years, it was hard for him to wrap his head around sometimes--even he and Sam had changed, obviously, the hand already sliding past his waistband and over his bare hip evident of that.

Sam stumbled a little in the darkness of their shared room, flopping back onto his bed; Danny opened the curtains to let the moonlight steam in, casting a slant of luminous white across the covers. "This is the best I can do," he said, sparing one last look at the receding fire beyond. "If there are any peeping Toms, now's their chance."

Sam reached out and pulled Danny down, fingers already threading through his hair, tugging at the fine strands around his temples. "I don't think there's anyone but us around here," he said and pressed his mouth to Danny's, lips parted.

Danny straddled Sam's hips and reached down, pulling the sweate over his head, then his own. "I love it," he said, and Sam's palms landed on his abdomen to pet and stroke before grabbing his boxers and yanking them down. Danny stifled a groan when Sam's hand wrapped around him, steadily working him into full hardness. "We needed it. Right?"

"Yeah," Sam agreed, looking up cheekily. "We needed to get away from the city. It's been a long fucking time." He twisted his hand, turned his wrist, and Danny let out the breath he'd been holding, thighs spreading further over Sam's hips as he relaxed on top of him.

"Not so long of this," Danny said, closing his eyes as Sam continued to stroke him. "Every time you touch me, it feels like the first time."

Sam laughed and pushed Danny back, whipping off his own pants and tossing them over the bed. "That's so romantic." He crawled over Danny, tangling their legs together, and started to kiss him.

Yeah, Danny was a romantic. He'd known that long before he and Sam had started their physical relationship. Hell, he knew that even their friendship had romance laced throughout it and Danny, more often than not, was the one dishing it out. Not that Sam wasn't also romantic, he was just so casual with everything; Danny, on the other hand, was thoughtful--maybe too much of an overthinker, really--and deliberate. It was only in hindsight that he realized he'd been courting Sam all along, in a way.

Danny laced his fingers through the hair at Sam's nape and gently pulled him back. "So you really don't care that I'm not into, like, PDA?"

Sam smiled. "I don't mind that you don't want to jerk me off in public. Or vice versa." He ran one hand down Danny's side, caressing his skin. "But I'd like it if, someday, you'd be more excited about me kissing you when we're out. Or holding my hand," he said, bringing his hand back up Danny's side and lacing their fingers together, pressing the back of his hand against the mattress.

Danny's heart dropped a bit. "It's not that I don't like it. I just--it makes me nervous."

Sam groped for his other hand, mirroring them on either side of Danny's head. "Why does it make you nervous?"

Danny swallowed, keeping his eyes on Sam's as much as he wanted to look away. How could he be so carefree? "Obvious reasons," he said, arching his spine as Sam's groin rubbed against his.

"Like what?" Sam replied with a quiet snuffle, tossing his hair back and arching into Danny's body, pressing his hands further into the mattress. "Are you really worried about being judged?"

"Well--yeah," Danny said, stammering. "If someone gets a picture, posts it somewhere--even if someone saw something and just told someone else, and--fuck--our parents--"

Sam ducked down and planted his lips on Danny's, close-lipped and hard, for a moment. "Okay, point made. I don't want us to get exposed either, you're right. At least not now, and not unless we want it to happen." He freed Danny's hands and placed his on the warm, sturdy chest beneath him. "Right as usual, Daniel."

As Sam's kisses moved down his jaw, Danny inhaled a deep breath, then let it go. "I'm really glad you're here, Sam. I'm glad I'm here," he said, getting his arms free of Sam's grasp and wrapping them around his body. "I'm glad we're all here."

Sam grinned and rolled over onto his back, then turned on his side, propping his head up with one hand. "God, you're so sentimental. Are we gonna fuck anytime soon?"

Danny rolled his eyes but smiled all the same and climbed on top of him. "So you want it?"

Sam rolled his eyes then and reached up, tugging at Danny's hair. "Obviously. I've been asking for it all night, haven't I?"

"I guess, but now we're finally alone," Danny reminded him. He lowered himself and kissed Sam softly, sweetly, pulling back slowly to scan his eyes over him. All that tan, smooth skin cast in the blue-white glow of the moon, shards of white light caught in his irises and tiny, gleaming windows into his pupils; Sam looked as entranced as Danny figured he himself did, and he reached his long arms up again to beckon him back down, so Danny did just that, his own shadow cutting through the moonlight as they kissed. 

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