Part 4

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Yay:) Update time! This chapter is kind of a filler.. Let me know what you think in the comments below. And please vote if you like it. It means alot to me :)

Also, I realize Harry and Louis no longer live together and have seperate houses now. Which makes me sad for some reason. But, I wanted them to live together for the sake of the story.

Picture of Harry on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



I tossed ground beef into the griddle pan and sprinkled some pepper on top. The oil sizzled as the meat browned. It smelled delicious, if I did say so myself.

I was making tacos for Louis and Maddie tonight. I didn’t get a lot of chances to cook, because I was always on tour, but it was a hobby of mine. And I also knew that in a matter of weeks, tacos were going to have to take the back burner--pun intended--to the tour. Our personal chef would be cooking all of the meals, because I wouldn't have the time to cook for myself. I was ecstatic, but at the same time, I would miss all of the comforts of living at home. The same comforts I used to take for granted before I was in One Direction.

This past week had been crazy. We had flown to Germany, France and back to London. Promoting, doing interviews, signings, going to awards shows. Honestly, I was looking forward to some rest time at Christmas.

“Something smells good.”

I looked up from my tacos to see Maddie standing at the end of the kitchen island. Her long hair was wet and she was wearing the jumper and sweats I had laid out for her. They were huge on her delicate frame.

I felt my breath catch in my throat. Despite the clothes being too baggy, she was still startlingly beautiful.

She was the kind of girl that imprinted herself on one's mind. I'd been up late at night thinking about our conversations, her laugh. The little splash of freckles across her nose, her perfect smile that lit up her eyes, her pink lips, how she smelled like strawberries—

Stop it, the Liam half of my brain scolded me. What the hell is wrong with you?

 “Harry, are you alright?” Maddie inquired softly, stepping closer and setting her hand on my arm. Heat spread under her touch.

I looked down, my green eyes melting into her hazel ones. I'd noticed the moment I'd met her that they changed color. Right now, they were almost pure liquid gold. Something about her eyes was so irresistible, so pure and innocent. My eyes left hers and traveled down to her lips. How I wanted to--

“Yeah, I’m great,” I choked out. I wasn’t. I hadn’t been fine since the moment she stumbled her way into my life last week.

 “What are you cooking?” she asked, taking her hand off my arm to push her damp hair behind her ear.

I looked back at the meat, grabbing the salt shaker and sprinkling a little in. “Tacos. If you want, I could use some help.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she laughed softly, “I’m an awful cook. I burn water.”

“You can’t be that bad,” I gave her my winning smile. “Here, I’ll teach you. You can be my Sous-Chef.”

I put the lid on the frying pan and turned down the heat. Then I motioned for her to come closer. I took a cutting board with onion chopped into a little pieces and handed it to her.

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