Part 14

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ok im done.

i finally got around to updating for you guys yay :) this chapter took me a looooooooong time to write for some reason. i hope you enjoy :) ily



                “Yes Harry?”

                “Have you ever been so hopelessly drawn to someone that whenever you’re around them it just feels like you’re trapped in a snow globe that someone keeps shaking and shaking but for some reason you don’t want them to stop because you like the feeling of being shaken?”

                Louis gave me an odd look. “No Harry. I can’t say I have.”

                I swallowed a forkful of scrambled eggs, gazing out the wide dining room window that looked out on the London scenery.

                “I am, however, very attached to my memory foam neck pillow. I don’t know how I’d get through long flights without it,” a chuckle escaped his lips, but he sobered when he realized I was being real, “Are you and Isabelle…getting serious?”

                I let out a humorless laugh, “You could say that,” Isabelle and I were already about as serious as it got. Her father would probably be sending me a letter about a marriage proposal sometime soon, “Or maybe I’m still drunk from last night.”

                The previous night had been my nineteenth birthday party. Actually, the word ‘party’ was an understatement. It was more like a blowout. There had been a piñata, a stripper, and an ice-sculpture filled with vodka. Grimmy had really outdone himself this year.

                I’d woken up in Isabelle’s bed with a horrible headache, wearing nothing but a tiara.

                “Well, your mum’s coming in today. Maybe she’ll have some motherly advice for you.” This was Louis’ way of saying he was in no mood for a heart-to-heart. Especially a heart-to-heart on the topic of Isabelle.

                My mum, sister and stepdad were coming down from Cheshire to visit me before I left for Australia on the first leg of our world tour. I was taking them to a fashion show to see Isabelle walk the runway. After that, I wouldn’t see them for a couple of months. That would be hard, considering I was a self-proclaimed Mummy’s Boy.

                Their birthday presents had come in the mail a couple of days ago. My mum had given me an antique record player that probably cost her the moon to ship. Gemma had sent me a couple of thick paperback books. And Robin had thrown in a box of condoms with a crooked pink sticky note on them that said ‘be safe.’

                “Think I should try and pretend I’m not hung over when I meet her at the train?” I called to Louis, who had gotten up from his seat at the table and was washing dishes in the other room.

                “She’s your mum. I reckon she’ll know you’re hung over.” Louis ran a soapy hand through his strands, leaving behind frothy suds on his bed hair.

                I nodded in agreement, finishing off my eggs and bringing the plate over to Louis, who placed it in the dishwasher and kicked the door shut. He turned to face me, his expression one of complete seriousness.


                “Yes Louis?”

                “About you and Isabelle…try not to make any rash decisions.”

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