Part 9

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Hi bbys(:

I'm so sorry. I know I havent updated in three weeks. I'm a terrible person, I know. I hope you still love me(: This chapter was incredibly hard to write, which is part of the reason it took me so long to update. It's kind of a filler chapter, and I don't like it very much, but I hope you do. I absolutely love your feedback, and I'm so sorry I kept you waiting so long. I had horrible writers block!!!

Excuses, excuses.

Anyways, I hope you take the time to read, comment and vote. It's what keeps me writing. So if you like the story, please comment. They are greatly appreciated and I read all of them and Iove every single one. You guys are amazing and so sweet. And if you've already commented, thank you(: I try to respond to all of my comments but sometimes it gets away from me.

Picture of the house on the side just incase you needed a mental picture>>>>>>


I propped my scuffed red Chucks on the back seat of Harry’s Range Rover and peered out of the window at the tall dark green evergreen trees that lined the highway. They contrasted sharply with the pale milky-gray of the sky, the ground beneath them covered with puffy white snow that reminded me of marshmallows.

It was a nice way to spend Christmas morning, crammed in the backseat of Harry’s Range Rover with Isabelle’s nine suitcases (I counted). Especially when the two people in the front seat were pretending that I didn’t exist. I brushed my long hair out of my face and sighed. I was exhausted; I hadn’t slept a wink last night.

The Range Rover pulled off of the highway onto a long winding driveway. Small poplars lined the side of the road, their branches coated with icy snow. I spotted my aunt and uncle’s estate standing tall and lonely in the distance, surrounded by a tall iron fence. I felt a shiver go up my spine. My aunt and uncle’s house looked eerily like a haunted mansion.

The house was very old, built from gray stone with ivy crawling up the walls. During the summer, the green grass and tall trees brightened up the drab, lonely estate and the beautiful gardens filled with flowers, birds and fountains buzzed with life. The acres of woods behind the house were full of hidden treasures; a lake, an abandoned tire swing and tall trees with low branches perfect for skilled climbers. I distinctly remember running barefooted through those woods as a child, my hair whipping behind me. I was one of those children who never wore shoes.

But now it was winter, and it had been a couple of years since I had set foot in those woods. I wasn’t a child any longer. Seeing the tall trees standing bare side by side, their branches naked except for a light coating of snow gave me a strange sense of nostalgia. Without the green of the grass and trees, the house looked…spooky.

The car rolled to a stop in front of the gate. Harry parked and got out, walking over to the other side to open Isabelle’s door for her. I pushed open my car door, my Chucks landing on slippery pavestones. I wobbled and steadied myself on the car door. Shutting it behind me, I carefully followed Harry and Isabelle towards the gate. Isabelle pressed the combination on the keypad and the wrought iron gate swung open.

Harry and Isabelle stepped inside, and I followed them through the gate and down the path. Isabelle and Harry were deep in conversation. Isabelle was talking about her new Gucci shawl and how much she “ah-dored” it. Then she paused and Harry grunted and she started talking about how she wanted a toy Maltese for her birthday. I trailed behind them and tried to ignore the tall figure walking in front of me. But with his chaotic mess of curls, lean body, and strong shoulders it was hard not to stare.

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