Part 10

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Hi bbys

I'm sooooooo sorry it took me this long to update. This was actually finished a week and a half ago but I kept forgetting to post it because I'm very very very busy. But please be patient with me.

Also, I love, love, love your comments. Feel free to ask me questions, inbox me to chat, or leave constructive critism (but please don't be mean so you don't hurt my feelings) :D

5,000 reads guys thats amazing! I so appreciate all the support and I can't thank you enough. You guys are the best:)

I hope you like it. I don't particularily like this chapter. It's kind of a bridge into the next chapter but oh well.

Hot >>>>>>>>>>>>>


Harry’s face was the first thing I saw when I regained consciousness. His wet curls were plastered to his forehead, and the paper airplane pendent that hung on a chain around his neck was brushing my chest from where he leaned over me. He was screaming my name.

I coughed and spit up water. Everything was blurry and I was so very cold and the surface beneath me was hard. Before I could even register my surroundings, I was being scooped up into Harry’s strong arms. He was running. His handsome features began to blur.

“No Maddie! Stay awake, Baby.”

“Harry,” I whispered, my body convulsing with shivers, “Don’t leave me to drown.”

Harry’s reply was the last thing I heard before I slipped back into unconsciousness.

“I’d never leave you, Maddie.”


Yellow sunlight streamed through the window and onto my bed, making intricate patterns on the white lace. I blinked, trying to rid my eyes of sleepiness and struggled to sit up, only to be pushed back down again.

“You’re awake! Thank goodness,” Libby leant over me, worry lines creasing her forehead.

I stared at her blankly, trying to clear my head of sleepy fog.


Libby propped me up against the pillows gingerly, fussing over my hair, “Here dear, eat this,” she said, handing me a bowl of soup. I took it, being careful not to spill the hot substance onto my lap. I spooned the broth into my mouth. Libby took a seat next to my bed, glancing at me worriedly when she thought I wasn’t looking.

“What were you thinking Maddie?”

I sighed softly, turning away from her to look out the window at the woods. Even from my bedroom on the second floor, I could see that there were two sets of footprints imprinted onto the smooth snow heading into the woods, but only one set that returned, a reminder of my little foray that had turned into a dangerous escapade.

I couldn’t remember anything after my fall into the lake last night. I remembered that the water was unbearably cold, and that I was surrounded by darkness and that I couldn’t breathe. And I remembered that feeling of terror when I thought I was going to drown. And I remembered that feeling reflected in Harry’s eyes before I’d fallen.

“What happened?” I asked softly, turning back to Libby.

“You fell, honey. You fell through the ice. Harry pulled you out and carried you all the way back here. You had a fever. We were going to take you to the hospital, but your Aunt and Uncle might’ve woken up…” Libby trailed off. She looked distressed. She knew as well as I did that I could’ve drowned, had Harry not been there.

Clandestine {Harry Styles Fanfiction}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin