Y/N's skin was so soft on my forehead. She's so warm. Her voice is so gentle... What am I talking about. I barely know her! But I wanted to. I wanted to tell her I was going to be okay. How I'll be able to see tomorrow. I hate feeling so useless. I can't do anything right. I couldn't even protect her-

"Kid." I heard a gentle voice. "Shh. Everything's okay, Kid. Deep breaths."

I took in one big breath. I lifted my head from my knees where I buried myself. A cup was given to me.

"Drink this. It's water." Her voice helped calmed me down. She rubbed my back and neck and her forehead connected to mine.

The room was now deafeningly quiet.

Y/N...I can only see how brave she was down there. How striking, and fast. She was able to analyze her surroundings. How she tied up her long hair. And her eyes dove into my soul. Her striking symmetrical face and body. Her beautiful eyes. Her lips...

Your P.O.V

You put a hand into Kids. He sounded like he had calmed down. You didn't think anyone would be able to sleep after what you both experienced, but you were happy that both of you are okay and alive. You suddenly heard a voice.

"Thank you...Y/N..." A voice so calming to the ears.

"I'm right here, Kid. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here for as long as you need me."

"Do you remember in the caves..." Kid started, "when I was chained up...the witch whispered something to me and I haven't told anyone this yet, not even Liz or Patty."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want t-"

"She said I had a rare and fragile type of blood that my heart pumps. I'm afraid that when that full moon comes something will happen."

"Kid," you began, pulling his hair back and out off his eyes, "nothing is going to happen. Do I need to help you walk around to get that blood flowing again?" Kid began overthinking as his legs were crossed. You told him, "You have friends and family that care about you so much, and we're not going to let anything happen to you. Tomorrow is the Halloween Dance. Would you like to go with me?"

"Can we dance?"

"Of course! Anything to get you out of this room." He giggled as you helped him stand up. I made him laugh. You blushed.

The two of you linked arms and walked around the DWMA and talked.

"Stein says I'll be able to see shapes and color by the end of tomorrow. And completely see the next day."

"That's great! Is that what the pills are for?"

"Well the pills are to keep my insanity under a certain level until I can control it myself. Where are we right now?" Kid seemed like he didn't want to talk about this topic any longer.

"We are currently going to the balcony to get you some fresh air." You said, helping him up the stairs.

The two of you got to the top of the stairs as you opened the door for Kid. He took in a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. You found a bench that wasn't near the edge but enough to see over the city. You took his blindfold off and exposed his beautiful golden eyes.

"This feels nice. Hey! Y/N! I can see the shape of those buildings!" He said, pointing to the building on our left.

"Kid! That's great! I come up here every time I need to recharge. Can you see anything else?"

"Just the silhouettes of the buildings."

You grabbed his hand, trying not to explain how stunning the sky looked this afternoon. "Kid, I've been thinking. Since we're on a team, I was hoping we can get to know each other more. You mean a lot to me especially after that mission. I don't think I ever thanked you that day. So... Thank you."

"Personally, I don't think you should be thanking me, I was unable to do much."

"But you were able to find me." You kissed him on the cheek.

"Well then I'm...happy to help." His face was toward yours.

"I also wanted to-"

"Hey! We heard you two were up here." You heard a familiar voice from behind you and Kid.

"Liz? Is that you?" Kid said turning around.

"Of course, Kid." Liz said, patting him on the back. "We're missing you at home."

"Yay! We found you!" Patty said, jumping for joy.

"I cooked lunch and brought it with us." Liz said, helping Kid's hand with the food. "I brought some for you too, Y/N. Here."

"Wow this looks delicious. Thank you." You smiled. You looked at it. Four rolls of sushi wrapped in seaweed and avocado.

The four of you continued to eat while watching the clouds go by. You all talked and laughed. You really enjoyed the company of Kid and his weapons with you.

Mark Of The Moon (Death the Kid x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora